I'm really liking the project and think it would contribute nicely to 10th avenue. It seems like 10th ave is really becoming the entertainment street in Calgary, which is a natural fit given it's proximity to downtown. I really curious what kind of mix it will bring in for its CRU's.

10 Ave has a long way to go. Much of it is still very industrial with barely-paved sidewalks, and plenty of surface parking lots and hulking parking garages. That said, the fact that it is a two-lane, two-way street means that it has a lot more potential than 11 or 12 AVE. With every new development, there is more pressure to completely redesign the street with expanded sidewalks, narrower car lanes, curb extensions at intersections and crosswalks, and trees and street furniture - changes that the City would never have the guts to do on a multi-lane street like 11, 12, or even 17 AVE. Hopefully a lot of the low- and mid-rise brick warehouses on the south side of the street get protected.
Intensification so far is mixed use residential with ground floor retail so much of it depends on the ground floor retail. Those spaces favour chain stores over something local and restaurants. Preservation of the warehouses is a must.
10 Ave has a long way to go. Much of it is still very industrial with barely-paved sidewalks, and plenty of surface parking lots and hulking parking garages. That said, the fact that it is a two-lane, two-way street means that it has a lot more potential than 11 or 12 AVE. With every new development, there is more pressure to completely redesign the street with expanded sidewalks, narrower car lanes, curb extensions at intersections and crosswalks, and trees and street furniture - changes that the City would never have the guts to do on a multi-lane street like 11, 12, or even 17 AVE. Hopefully a lot of the low- and mid-rise brick warehouses on the south side of the street get protected.
Some major facade overhauls need to be done on structures along 10th ave like First on Tenth, Mount Royal House, and the City Centre Parkade
Some major facade overhauls need to be done on structures along 10th ave like First on Tenth, Mount Royal House, and the City Centre Parkade

All of the parking garages along 10th are probably lost causes. Perhaps one day land values and structural deterioration will make it economical to replace them with something else. Imagine if the deck over the rail tracks could one day be converted to a park (similar to CIBC Square in Toronto) as part of some larger project to replace the parking garage along 10 AVE.

As for First on Tenth, I can see it easily getting the same treatment as 333 17 AVE SW in the short term.

Four workers on site... sorta of visible in the image. Two up top, two bottom right. Something's definitely happening.

*is wet* ?


I was just gonna post yesterday, there have been guys on site every day for the past two weeks, so somethin definitely happening. I'mma go for a walk and snap a shot.
