This is awesome! 10th ave is on its way to becoming a top destination in the downtown/beltline area. However, I do hope they change the color scheme. Right now this tower is looking very similar to One tower by Strategic, which isn't a bad thing but some diversity would be nice.
Great news. With all these projects nearby, Calgary's finally getting an equivalent to those hulky mega apartment projects that Toronto and Montreal started receiving back in the 1960s and 1970s and play such a big role in their urban fabric - but with a more urban and pedestrian-friendly 2020-vibe. Another step to becoming a bigger, more urban-focused city.
This is awesome.

I'd love to see some sidewalk widening & patios, street trees that are done properly and taken care of, and a protected bike lane. 10th Avenue deserves some attention, maybe this second tower tips the scale in that direction.
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To put this change in perspective, here's the area by population density in 2016 at the last census. Grey = zero population. Total population 185 in 125 units.


Not all in time for 2021, but for 2026 Census you'll have:
  • 6th and 10th, 1 tower condo
  • Marriott 2 towers, hotel + rental
  • Park Central, 2 towers rental
  • Place 10, 2 towers rental
  • Qualex on the park, 1 tower
So a rough guesstimate of 2,000 units/3,000 people in 9 blocks within a decade? That's the population equivalent of Downtown West End, Sunalta, or Garrison Woods added to the heart of the Beltline. All the more impressive as the area had effectively nil local population a decade ago.
I think it's high time for a rethink of 10th and 11. City is missing an opportunity to create a unique district with all the old warehouses and development going on
Yeah. I think there are a couple blocks I'd love to see developed.

- 10th between 1st and 2nd (across from bottlescrew bills), would be great to have some towers / small scale bars - I think it would complement Craft + National really well.
- The block north of Place 10, so 4th/5th feel seamless as an integration to downtown. I think some residential + either high end restos or bars could work well here given Eighth ave place is right across
- The Alberta boot spot (although the owner is crotchety as hell and hates new development and I don't see that changing, sadly) - some small bars/clubs could be great here with Commonwealth and Blondies (or whatever their name is now)

I think if you can get those three mega parking lots developed the inner city will feel a lot more integrated and will create more of a destination spot, especially for nightlife.
Yeah. I think there are a couple blocks I'd love to see developed.

- The Alberta boot spot (although the owner is crotchety as hell and hates new development and I don't see that changing, sadly) - some small bars/clubs could be great here with Commonwealth and Blondies (or whatever their name is now)
The Residential Inn and SODO are now where the original Alberta Boot site was.
