I was simply asking when the project would be completed. It’s noisy for people who live in the neighborhood. That is “real” for the people who live here. This thread will absolutely go no where.
I imagine the noise will be around for a while, but with the building itself done, the amount of noise should subside.
Unfortunately adding housing in developed areas creates noise (and dust, and traffic...). If it's a concern call 311 and the city can monitor it. Living in the inner city you are kinda S.O.L. though, noise is just a part of urban living. I'd guess people will be living in this sometime in the summer.
The good thing is, the noise should be significantly lower by late spring /summer when people have their windows open.
Turned out decent...

Good enough!
I'm a much bigger fan of their comparable project on 4th street across from the Chumir. This is like the downgraded facsimile. Something about multi-coloured EIFS/stucco just reeks of cheap. I think this project would have been a lot more successful with spandrel and other materials mixed in.

Count me offended.
Pretty well what one can expect as the usual boringness from SNORR. The colour blocking of stucco sections is there just to be there. The lines of differentiation don't even mean or relate to anything other than choosing one of the arbitrary sill lines. It's the appearance of a result of a 5 minute exercise. I hope it wasn't more.

Could have been cool if they did interlocking Ts on their side all the way down the middle. In the first picture, at the top there's a rotated white T shape. They could have run those all the way down, mirroring them at every floor, to you know, be something architectural.
I'm a much bigger fan of their comparable project on 4th street across from the Chumir. This is like the downgraded facsimile. Something about multi-coloured EIFS/stucco just reeks of cheap. I think this project would have been a lot more successful with spandrel and other materials mixed in.

Count me offended.
It’s Calgary, my expectations are always low.
It turned out alright but simple changes could have made it look that much better. Instead of the pixilated colours running down the spine on the side had they gone with just the dark grey it would have a much cleaner look with no change to the cost.
Looks pretty close to opening. By summer maybe? Just in time for my lease to be up... 🤔

