I can't wait for SOLA's launch coming soon ...love all the cool new tech features! Is there really a pet spa & penthouse lounge with rooftop fitness centre? What is SOLA's website for more info? This area really needs a major new facelift & think this project will be such a great new addition to bring more life to 14th street nw!
Okay, so you must be a sales person for Sola. Are there any other renderings?
I’m pretty certain you already know the answers to the questions you’re asking. It’s okay if you’re the sales guy and you want to pump Sola, I get it. My advice, just say “hey I’m a sales guy for Sola, here’s some info about our project”

Totally. (moving this to the next page so maybe they see it)
Okay, so you must be a sales person for Sola. Are there any other renderings?

Hey there,
I'm the SOLA Sales associate. We're launching to the public extremely SOON. Here's the link for our newsletter https://solacalgary.com/press/ for the latest news. Renderings coming VERY soon too! Ill post in the forums too!

For any additional info, my email is kiro@solacalgary.com
Love the location. I’d like to see more renderings if there any around.

Hey there!
Thank you so much for the positive feedback. We're also excited about this location.
As soon as SOLA goes live to the public (VERY SOON!), I'll post them up!
In the meantime, I can send you some Floorpans. Just shoot me an email ;) kiro@solacalgary.com
So their last project was a strip mall in Cochrane with a Subway, Domino’s, and Liquor District ...

... and now they are “forming this long-term, strategic alliance with Amazon and its incredible Alexa group of devices, which shall continue to accelerate growth for Ocgrow Group, while providing the future of smart condo living to Canadian residents in 2020 and beyond”

I give the developer an A for marketing boldness, let’s see what grade they get for marketing truthfulness
This tech relationship seems to be a small marketing edge for the developer and a huge data collection edge for Amazon. I want to better understand how the tech improves end user experience, or even the dev operation? Seems vague and leverage of buzz words to gain ...well, buzz
This tech relationship seems to be a small marketing edge for the developer and a huge data collection edge for Amazon. I want to better understand how the tech improves end user experience, or even the dev operation? Seems vague and leverage of buzz words to gain ...well, buzz

The DP for this one goes to CPC next week, the report can be found here:

The DP drawings can be found here:



I get a Frankfurt vibe for some reason.
The 6-8 storey, lot-line-to-lot-line with a higher floor setback is a German city classic: a lot of density in a street-friendly configuration so your street shading and elevator rides stay reasonable. Closer to home, Toronto's avenues are experiencing a bunch of this style development as the city tries to densify outside it's core while preserving the wealthy single family neighbourhoods off the main streets. It's an interesting concept with lots written about the advantages and challenges to this approach (in a Toronto context).

In a Calgary context, this is great form of housing to see as we re-urbanize/urbanize for the first time. I would be watching out for if they beef it up to take a full semi-trailer down the alley (terrible urban design) and what impact they will have on the 14 Street. Although much of 14 Street's terribleness is out of the developers control here - for being treated as a car-sewer rather than a place to walk - there is that dumb thing we do where the developer might create a reasonable public realm in front of this building, then 30 years later the building next door redevelops their sidewalks completely differently so the sidewalk is random and nonsensical to use.
