Very concerning. Both the key historic value of this building and the value of actually creating residential within the CBD after a couple of years of such talk in general makes this a critical project to me.
Rumours of its inactivity seem to be true. There were a couple of workers on site today, but they weren’t doing much except securing the site I think.

This is truly sad. The Barron Building is Calgary's last remaining true Art Deco style piece of architecture. If this sits open to the elements for years without any progress I am afraid it will become fodder for the wrecking ball. I am hoping this is not going to go the way of the York Hotel.
With the utmost sorrow, I must inform you all that this one is most definitely dormant ?

Just a reminder that the city's request for historical protection of the Barron was personally hijacked by Rollin Stanley who made the city and the province look stupid when Strategic revealed, at the designation hearing held because of the designation request from the city itself, that they had a letter from Rollin that the city no longer supported designation. Also a designation hearing that no city heritage staff attended I'm sure due to their lack of interest and not due to any pressure (sarcasm).

I have a feeling like what happened to some projects 2008-2010, this is going to become a derelict site until another developer comes along. Ironically, it was Strategic that salvaged one of those from that period .... 10 Ave & 1st SE.
Just a reminder that the city's request for historical protection of the Barron was personally hijacked by Rollin Stanley who made the city and the province look stupid when Strategic revealed, at the designation hearing held because of the designation request from the city itself, that they had a letter from Rollin that the city no longer supported designation. Also a designation hearing that no city heritage staff attended I'm sure due to their lack of interest and not due to any pressure (sarcasm).

Thankfully the article is 6 years old, so hopefully isn't as relevant now.
Thankfully the article is 6 years old, so hopefully isn't as relevant now.

I'm not sure I follow, the article is why the building was going to and then didn't receive provincial protection which could protect it if the current issues leads it to be purchased by another buyer. The age of it doesn't have an effect on that fact.
Anywho, I just sent an email to their leasing team. In the process I found a couple renders we haven't seen here before. I'll let y'all know if I get a response from Strategic. If anyone has Twitter, you should Tweet Strategic and ask what's going on. They posted as recently as a month ago.

I didn't realize how extensive the reconfiguration to the exterior of the restaurant space would be.



Barron is Art Moderne, and Vogue is a bastardization of Art Deco.
