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    Votes: 11 26.8%
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    Votes: 24 58.5%
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    Votes: 6 14.6%
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Nice shot SP. I just notice the empty lot behind it. Do you know if there's anything planned for it?
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^^^Do you mean the lot behind and off the the left? There is a 7 tower development proposed for that baby.
Nope, not the parking lots, it's a completely empty lot right behind the Concord pit. There's a cement truck in front of it in the picture.

I was somewhat aware of the proposal for those parking lots. I don't think I've seen anything recent on them. My dream for them would be to turn them into soccer fields, but c'est la vie.
Okay gotcha. Not sure what's happening with that lot. It used to be an apartment building and they tore it down, maybe because it was condemned or something.

Maybe a soccer field that can be used as a driving range when games aren't happening :)
Nope, not the parking lots, it's a completely empty lot right behind the Concord pit. There's a cement truck in front of it in the picture.

I was somewhat aware of the proposal for those parking lots. I don't think I've seen anything recent on them. My dream for them would be to turn them into soccer fields, but c'est la vie.

There isn't anything slated for that lot just yet. LaCaille owns it via a land swap deal with the city, and will build on it someday, but it may be a while.

In the land swap deal, the city gave LaCaille the land if they agreed to build affordable housing suites alongside their Solaire project on 4th ave.
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It's going to be so weird to have a building there. It's been such a visible open space as long as I've been alive. It's also the only gap in south riverfront development from 8th St to Centre St. Next on the chopping block: the lot by 8th st & 4th ave!
I wonder what the view from the north side of the peace bridge will look like. I'm used to enjoying a nice skyline background but now will be mostly condo tower. On the flipside, the view could end up being very interesting. time will tell.
I walked by the site today and took a peek through the fence. There a fair bit of progress since the photo.
