General rating of this project

  • 1 Great

    Votes: 12 18.5%
  • 2 Good

    Votes: 43 66.2%
  • 3 So So

    Votes: 6 9.2%
  • 4 Not Very Good

    Votes: 3 4.6%
  • 5 Terrible

    Votes: 1 1.5%

  • Total voters
Looks to be a go. I'll be down next week also and can check it out again.

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Have we received any confirmation about the aforementioned height increase to 45 storeys?
I spoke with someone at PBA Land Development (developers). It is not increasing in height from what was initially approved. The changes include a slight modification to the exterior materials, and a reduction in the amount of parking provided.
Good to know.
Question for the construction experts. I’m watching the drilling action at site, and have noticed that they have been drilling their holes, and filling with concrete, but aren’t using any piles. Is this some sort of new technique? I thought they always put in the piles and then add the concrete after.
Question for the construction experts. I’m watching the drilling action at site, and have noticed that they have been drilling their holes, and filling with concrete, but aren’t using any piles. Is this some sort of new technique? I thought they always put in the piles and then add the concrete after.

Huh that’s odd, that’s exactly what they are doing at Block on Fourth too.
