side note, not news by now but this place opened in the cibo building. the home and away guys.

This corner has officially the best sidewalk along 17th Avenue in both quality and size. Cinneholic or not, ever since they removed the construction fencing it seems to have become an informal meet-up/standing around and chatting spot, I am always seeing groups of people standing around here before moving on. My guess is it's really the only part of the whole 17th Avenue sidewalk system wide enough for groups of pedestrians to "pull over" out of the way of busy north-side pedestrian traffic!

Will be really interesting to see how the businesses can take advantage with their patios and street furniture in the coming summer and following years. Should further cement the 5th Street / 17th Avenue corner as Calgary's top patio hub.
Which is crazy considering the other side of the street is a gas station and a parking lot with a repulsive wooden retaining wall and “rock garden” 🤢
This corner has officially the best sidewalk along 17th Avenue in both quality and size. Cinneholic or not, ever since they removed the construction fencing it seems to have become an informal meet-up/standing around and chatting spot, I am always seeing groups of people standing around here before moving on. My guess is it's really the only part of the whole 17th Avenue sidewalk system wide enough for groups of pedestrians to "pull over" out of the way of busy north-side pedestrian traffic!

Will be really interesting to see how the businesses can take advantage with their patios and street furniture in the coming summer and following years. Should further cement the 5th Street / 17th Avenue corner as Calgary's top patio hub.
Can’t wait to see how the sidewalk is in the spring, summer and fall.
Edmonton's Cinneholic had even crazier lineups when it first opened for like a month straight. Practically dead now after everyone had their fix.
Reminds me of when Krispy Kreme first opened back in the day. There were lineups for a while, and then changed to being dead once everyone had their fill.
