There was an open house on the project last night (March 1). Doesn't sound like it got the warmest of receptions:
It will be interesting to see how this one plays out. The article says the City won't allow access to 19th Street, but it sounds like Councillor Carra disagrees with that statement and will be pushing to allow an access (see his column in this month's Inglewood Community Newsletter, page 13, under the traffic point):
Technically, 19th Street is classified as an Arterial roadway, per the CTP (see map 7 at the end of the document:
Per the DGSS (Design Guidelines for Subdivision Servicing), industrial and commercial properties are allowed access to an Arterial road, but multi-residential are not. However, if this was considered a Local Arterial, multi-residential properties are permitted to have access. The CTP doesn't specify the difference, so perhaps one clue would be to look at the volumes (full arterial is meant for 20,000 - 35,000 vehicles per day, local arterial is 15,000 - 20,000). All this comes from the DGSS, found here:
Per the 2016 traffic flow map, this portion of 19th street had a daily volume of 12,000 vehicles per day, putting it in the range of a Local Arterial (below it actually).
Therefore, I think Carra is correct, and wonder why The City is saying no access will be permitted? Unless of course, the intersection with Blackfoot has constant long queues that would push back the approximately 75m to what would be 7th ave.