It's a lovely design; excited to see it! Sad to say goodbye to my crayon plan for a gondola between Westbrook and the U of C, but this site was a perfect spot for straight-line connections across the Bow and up to FMC.
The land use for this one goes to CPC next week:
Report, Background, Applicant Submission, CA opposition letter

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It's a strange system we have where the community's problems are disproportionally defined through the impact of a single development. The status quo - regardless of how unsafe or dangerous it is - has little obvious or responsive mechanism to fix itself, such as Memorial's Drive's stroady/quasi-arterial status that has made the street dangerous for about 50 years.

Those are the usual complaints. It’s as if there’s a manual for CAs to refer to,
You forgot CRIME from your list. This will definitely attract criminals from all areas of the city, and within a few years Parkdale will be a ghetto! 🙄
LOC2023-0412 status:

Hearing Scheduled
A Council public hearing is scheduled for May 07, 2024. Public submissions to City Council must be received by the City Clerk between April 18, 2024 and before noon on April 30, 2024. Comments received after this deadline may be excluded from the Council agenda.
