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    Votes: 7 58.3%
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    Votes: 1 8.3%
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Not related to Vogue but with that old apartment building now torn down people living in Oscar (the one with everyones favourite rooftop accessory) now have a much improved view of the river
Much nicer view than the old building in front of them. Do you what the plans are for the lot now that it's bulldozed?
Thanks for posting that, I was wondering the same thing. I couldn't recall all the details of the land swap. I hope they at least tidy up the lot and make it look half decent, as it will probably sit for a while.

Maybe they can put in a basketball court or something.
A couple of far away shots, but they give a good idea of how the crown is coming along.

2016 July 13 038.JPG 2016 July 13 040.JPG


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That rebar on the top looks a lot like the crown. It must be topped out. As it gets closer to completion my opinion hasn't changed for this tower, and if anything I like it even more.
I'm liking the look of the crown so far. Wont be long before this one is finished
Those pics are awesome! thumbs up-s.png thumbs up-s.png thumbs up-s.png How did you get those? Helicopter or drone?

Nevermind, I just watched the video. Drone it is, that's cool.


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So you can still fly drones around Downtown? For some reason I thought they banned that.
I haven't heard anything about them being banned. There are a number of recommendations around flying in the city (the rules are kind of a gray area). The only thing that is banned that I know of is the no fly zone at the airport, as well as flying in National Park (in which case you need permission). If the drone is more than 2.5kg the rules change. If the drone is more than 25kg (or something like that) than you need permission no matter what.
