Mountain Man
Senior Member
Lots of developers have been interested in that site over the years, once they learn the pharmacy there is a methadone clinic they quickly walk away.
Didn't know that was a thing... I wonder the reasoning? I assume its giving them the room to expand 14th.5.182m bylawed setback on 14th Street
Not sure, but with the City still applying a 5.182m bylawed setback on 14th Street, there won't be much room for anything on it, so I can't imagine develompent will happen anytime soon.
They are a relic of the 60s, when the plan was to widen many roads by adding lanes of traffic. 5.182m is 17 feet, or the width of a lane of traffic. I see now though, they have updated the language in the land use bylaw to say these setbacks are "To maintain and improve the quality of the physical environment for the overall public interest, the public realm setbacks are intended to accommodate public realm improvements, pedestrian environment improvements, and context specific mobility improvements.". So, at least they don't plan to put in extra lanes of traffic anymore. What is frustrating though is that the active main streets projects so far (the Main Streets line up quite conveniently with many roads that have widening setbacks) don't actually use the widened property. They have been ignoring it, or not taking it because the City would have to pay to acquire these spaces they have protected. Anyway, I have ranted about this table in the past on these forums, don't need to get into it again. If you are curious to read it and a few more posts about the subject, here they are:Didn't know that was a thing... I wonder the reasoning? I assume its giving them the room to expand 14th.
Also answers why this project is setback from 14th.
The rebar on those columns seems to indicate the next level is the roof. Are they going wood frame on top to bring this up to 10 stories? I can't think of another building like this if that's the case.