Toronto Star - Why I deserve your vote
Let the dogs out ~~ we'll find out on tonight's final episode of
"Canada's next Prime Minister"
Four leaders explain in their own words why you should support them at the ballot box today
Oct 14, 2008 04:30 AM
Prudent plan in stormy times
I love Canada deeply and being Prime Minister is a great honour. In these times of global economic uncertainty, it's a great responsibility, too. That's why my government has weatherproofed the Canadian economy against the gathering international economic storm. The most important thing to me is that Canadian families are protected.
That's why we paid down nearly $40 billion in government debt. We lowered taxes by $3,000 a year for the average family. We brought in new reforms to Canadian banks, making them the safest and most secure in the world. We are careful with spending, making targeted investments in key manufacturing sectors, especially here in Ontario.
We did what Canadian families expect us to do – we made sensible preparations that are paying off.
Canada now has the strongest economy in the G7. Last month, more than 100,000 new jobs were created – the biggest one-month gain ever. We're going to get through this together.
Our election platform is not full of grandiose, costly promises. It's a prudent approach. We can afford it. We'll never go back into deficit.
Stéphane Dion has a different approach. His risky carbon tax proposal would make energy more expensive, increasing prices for everything from groceries to gas. It's never a good time to introduce a new tax like that, but it's especially risky these days. It's an experiment Canadians can't risk.
Dion also announced enormous spending promises that we can't afford. He would put Canada into deficit again.
There are many reasons to vote Conservative, from our sensible approach to crime to our strong support for families. But right now, the most important thing is to protect our Canadian economy – and to stop Dion's risky carbon tax.
I respectfully ask for your vote. Together we'll keep our country strong, united, independent and free.
A richer, fairer, greener nation
At the start of this campaign, I asked Canadians a very straightforward question: Has Canada grown stronger under the Harper Conservatives?
Ask the 200,000 families who have lost good, full-time manufacturing jobs while the Harper government sat on its hands. Ask the families waiting for a child care space, or supporters of Canadian arts. Ask the growing number of people concerned about the climate change crisis, or the millions of Canadians watching their retirement savings lose value in the global financial crisis.
Stephen Harper has failed Canadians. Worse, he also has no plan to help Canadians deal with the challenges they face. To hardworking families struggling to make ends meet, Mr. Harper's response is: Look for bargains in the falling stock market. After burying their heads in the sand for months, the Conservatives are now panicking and grasping at straws.
Only the Liberal Party offers the combination of a strong record as economic managers, a strong team of experienced men and women ready to take action on Day 1, and a strong plan for Canada's future. In our first 30 days, we will invest in infrastructure projects and in the manufacturing sector to boost job creation. We have a sound approach to the financial crisis designed to protect your savings. Our plan has been endorsed by environmentalists and economists. It is supported by mayors, artists, university students, and business people.
A Liberal government will cut your taxes. We will cut greenhouse gases. We will help recruit more doctors and nurses. We will invest in public transit, infrastructure, child care and the fight against poverty.
The only job that a vote for the other parties will save is Stephen Harper's.
For a progressive government, you must vote for your local Liberal candidate.
Together, we can build a richer, fairer and greener Canada.
We'll stand up for the people
When you vote today, ask yourself: "Which leader and which party is on my family's side?" I'm confident you will choose the New Democrats.
Prime Minister Harper doesn't care about the kitchen-table concerns of everyday families.
Mr. Harper discovered midway through this election that people are concerned about the future. He would have known that long ago if he had been speaking to everyday families.
Mr. Harper wants to strip our government's capacity to take action, by spending billions of dollars on corporate tax cuts. He calls that his plan.
Stéphane Dion doesn't have better ideas. In asking you to "stop Harper," Mr. Dion is asking you to do something he didn't do himself. Mr. Dion and his caucus sat on their hands during 43 critical votes to keep the Conservatives in power.
Worse, Mr. Dion continues to push his $40 billion carbon tax. That tax is expensive and unfair, and isn't as effective as our plan on climate change.
We've got a better plan.
We'll respond quickly and effectively to uncertainty – re-regulating banks, and introducing our plan to reinforce and reinvest in our real economy within 100 days of this election.
We'll invest in skills-training and protecting jobs; in infrastructure and transit for our cities.
We'll help families make ends meet through an enhanced Child Benefit.
We'll protect ordinary people's savings, pensions, homes and jobs.
And we'll act on other key concerns of Canadian families – like helping the five million Canadians who don't have access to a family doctor.
Our mainstream, prudent and widely adopted climate change plan will lower emissions, and clean our air and water – fairly.
Our priorities are the kitchen-table concerns of families like yours.
Vote New Democrat.
A secure future for Canadians
For too long, politics and election campaigns have been about marketing and spin doctors; war rooms and attack ads. Elections should be about the exercise of the citizens' right to choose their government in a free and democratic society.
As Leader of the Green Party, I am committed to living up to the ideals of our nation's founders; those who 250 years ago started the tradition of representative democracy in North America. We need to quicken the heartbeat of democracy; to reach out to those who have been turned off by politics and turn them back on. To do this, we must do politics differently.
Elected Members of Parliament for the Green Party will bring respect and decency back to the House of Commons. We will be untiring in our work for Canadians, for a secure future.
Our generation has the moral obligation to act so that our children and grandchildren are not condemned to an unlivable world. Our concern is not solely Canada's own greenhouse gases, which must be reduced dramatically, but the crafting of a better climate agreement for the world. The Harper government wants to sabotage that process.
We need to recognize that the climate crisis is an amazing economic opportunity. Moving now to shift our economy from fossil fuel dependency to a modern, efficient, low-carbon economy is possible.
With the current global financial crisis, climate action is a large part of the solution. Investing in our infrastructure will restart a sluggish economy. We must eliminate poverty – in our cities, rural areas and especially for aboriginal peoples. We will protect health care, provide universal child care, reduce student debt, and help seniors through a pharmacare plan. All of this is affordable.
To realize these goals we need a Green Caucus in the House of Commons.