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That article sums up how I felt about the "Seven Wonders of Canada" thing from the start. The whole thing is a feel good campaign where everything is a good entry and with no rules or guidelines, judging rules, etc. If it was categorized and put to vote then perhaps it could have at least amounted to something. The end result will undoubtedly be something so stupid... much like Time's most influential person of the year ending up as "you".
Doyle is pretty cynical. Shows like this in general aren’t my cup of tea, but the CBC needs to cast a wide net in offering programs that appeal to all sorts of Canadians. It might be fluffy, but I’m sure it’ll be popular as well as borderline informative. There’s nothing wrong with this. It would only be an issue if the CBC were ONLY offering this sort of stuff, which it clearly isn’t.

Doyle also berated the CBC the previous week for refusing to show the Virginia Tech killer's personal video to NBC (which I think was a wise decision).
We are not a nation of school kids. The Seven Wonders of Canada competition is an insult and its existence stands as an indictment of CBC's current mania for brainless, smiley-face content. It's delusional and an avoidance of straightforward confrontation of the issues that face us. It's best ignored and I would, if I could. But I can't.

Great quote. Maybe they'll accept my submission! ;)
Doyle is pretty cynical. Shows like this in general aren’t my cup of tea, but the CBC needs to cast a wide net in offering programs that appeal to all sorts of Canadians. It might be fluffy, but I’m sure it’ll be popular as well as borderline informative. There’s nothing wrong with this. It would only be an issue if the CBC were ONLY offering this sort of stuff, which it clearly isn’t.

I had an internal debate with my last post, hacked it down to a minimum and then was encouraged to read the above.

I was going to ask what comes first... censorship or ignorance... and include this quote:

Since governments almost always have an interest in controlling the free flow of information, official censorship is something that must be constantly guarded against. In our society, however, large corporations are a more common source of censorship than governments: Media outlets killing stories because they undermine corporate interests; advertisers using their financial clout to squelch negative reports; powerful businesses using the threat of expensive lawsuits to discourage legitimate investigations. The most frequent form of censorship is self-censorship: Journalists deciding not to pursue certain stories that they know will be unpopular with the boss.

Don't worry, I'm still keeping my thoughts 'hacked' down. :)
CBC has an uncanny way of making Canada seem small petty parochial and BORING.... Having said that, my nomination is Tim Hortons' Ice Cappuccino.
CBC has an uncanny way of making Canada seem small petty parochial and BORING.... Having said that, my nomination is Tim Hortons' Ice Cappuccino.
Nominate it! I think it would have a pretty good chance of making it! Plus you'd prolly get a free lifetime supply!
I still remember Don Cherry as one of the 10 Greatest Canadians of all time. With him on the list really cheapen the whole thing... :rolleyes:
^Don't remind me. Don Cherry makes the list, when so many Canadians who in reality had a huge impact on the entire world, let alone Canada, failed to appear. I could probably come up with several hundred Canadian scientists and engineers alone, each of whom had a first-rank impact on the world around us -- for example (to take one example out of many), Willard Boyle, inventor of the CCD. If you own a digital camera, you can thank him. There are literally hundreds more with equal impact in various areas of achievement-- every one far more important than Don Cherry, in my opinion.

But it would never be as satisfying as the spectacle of Don Cherry being fully immersed in a giant Timmy's Ice Cap.
Speaking of fans of that beverage
Mommy's Scarborough tract house? LOL!

Though I'm not sure that the CPR Spiral Tunnels or the Trans-Canada Highway aren't worthy. But some entrys are typically groan-worthy.
Buildings versus mountain ranges versus Caribou herds...

I still prefer Don Cherry immersed in an Ice Cap. Karla can swirl the concoction around.
Man this is lame. I nominate *drum roll* Canada! as the greatest wonder in, uh, this country. Oh, and the laughter of children, snowflakes and puppies ears.
