Developer: CIM Group, Golub & Company
Architect: Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture, Solomon Cordwell Buenz
Address: N Michigan Ave, Chicago, United States
Category: Residential (Condo, Hotel), Commercial (Office, Retail), Public Space / Park
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 1,422 ft / 433.40 mStoreys: 96 storeys
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Did you notice they blocked the views through the vents on the lower level streets? I was bummed out when I last went by there after getting a couple books from AfterWords(my favorite book store in the city)
Did you notice they blocked the views through the vents on the lower level streets? I was bummed out when I last went by there after getting a couple books from AfterWords(my favorite book store in the city)
Haven't been on the lower level for a month or so - will need to take that route this week.
