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Thanks for the post @ChazYEG ... appreciate you not leaving us entirely! Miss your insights!!
There's quite a few people who can't get vaccinated, for several reasons: immunocompromised, children under 12, people with certain diseases with treatments that might interact badly with the vaccine (mostly an excess of caution, but pending studies) and some religious groups (as much as you and me might find it silly).
I totally get those groups of people, and I was mainly referring to people who have every chance and ability to get it yet don't. There needs to be a conversation around how giving people the freedom to be unvaccinated and not take any precautions will lead to us all losing freedoms if or when things start locking down again.

Also Chaz, your ideas and insights are very valued and appreciated. Take a break from posting if you feel like it but please, don't stop entirely!
I totally get those groups of people, and I was mainly referring to people who have every chance and ability to get it yet don't. There needs to be a conversation around how giving people the freedom to be unvaccinated and not take any precautions will lead to us all losing freedoms if or when things start locking down again.

Also Chaz, your ideas and insights are very valued and appreciated. Take a break from posting if you feel like it but please, don't stop entirely!
I don disagree with you. Frankly, I am in favor of mandatory vaccines for all of those who are eligible and can actually take it without exposing themselves to higher risks. I really saddens and annoys me stories like that of the guy who decided to "wait a year or two to see if it is safe", caught the Delta variant, infected his wife and his kid, died and the kid will likely have long lasting issues because of his stupidity and the so-called freedom.

And as for posting, I actually decided to take a different approach. As much as I hate the "post police" and consider the editing my post suffered an act of aggression, I won't let it stop me from voicing my opinions. If they want to censor me, they'll have to ban me.
Face covering bylaw reactivated; masks required across city​

August 30, 2021

Starting 12:01 a.m., Friday, September 3, wearing a mask or face covering will be mandatory in all indoor public places in Edmonton. This applies to the publicly accessible areas of businesses, retail shops and includes City recreation facilities, transit centres and LRT platforms.

"Medical experts have made it clear that we are in the fourth wave of COVID-19 and I applaud City Council for making this decision to help keep Edmontonians safe," said Mayor Don Iveson. "I urge Edmontonians to be respectful of one another and remember that as of Friday, it will be required to wear masks in all public indoor spaces."

Taking public transit continues to be a safe and convenient way to travel. With ongoing safety measures in place, the City has not received confirmation of any COVID-19 transmission from taking public transit during the pandemic.
This bylaw will be in place until December 31 or until active cases drop below 100 per 100,000 for 10 straight days.

The City has developed a list of supports and information that will assist businesses and the general public. Updated information can be found at

Wearing masks or face coverings is a community effort. Not everyone is able, however, to wear a mask and some exemptions do apply. It is important to continue to be kind to those unable to wear a face covering.​

For more information:

Media contact:
Geoffrey Driscoll
Manager, crisis and issues communications
Communications and Engagement
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while it's nice to see the city picking up where our provincial and federal governments have abdicated their responsibilities, it's a shame that they have to and it's a shame that they've had so much practice doing it in so many areas for so long...
Iveson just recently spoke of the $68 million of federal aid for 400 housing units the city of Edmonton lost out on, that went to other cities in Canada, because the province did not step up. And with other federal housing grants Edmonton has received, the city has had to use money previously allocated for front line resources because again the province did not come through with operating funds.
just thinking out loud here - okay, musing on line here - about exemptions to health orders and mandates seemingly enacted for the greater good…

i wonder if i could get an exemption from provincial speed limits for next weekend so i could get to a special event i’m thinking about holding and back faster?

what about one for all night/next morning alcohol sales so i can wrap up the event with a boozy breakfast gala before sending everyone on their merry way?

maybe i could ask for a relaxation on maximum blood alcohol content limits so i could combine the first two with fewer potential consequences for my guests?

what about adding a one weekend exemption for selling cigarettes and liquor to minors so my event would be more profitable?

just wondering…
So we get vaccine cards on Thursday. wohoooooooooo. How many people will be denied entry into a country now that they show different vaccines.
for those whose first dose was astrazenica, ahs has been offering a 3rd/booster mrna vaccine shot for exaclty that reason. it's my understanding that you can book those on-line as long as you have or are contemplating travelling out of the country and that they're not being overly particular about having tickets or even specific plans (i.e. potential business travel to the us).
City facilities to follow restriction exemption program​

September 17, 2021

Edmontonians may have greater peace of mind when participating in or accessing City of Edmonton programs and services after the City decided today to adopt the Government of Alberta’s restriction exemption program.

Starting Monday, anyone using a public City facility or service will be required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a recent negative test result.

“When we looked at all of our options, this allowed us to continue to provide the highest quality of service to the largest number of Edmontonians,” said City Manager Andre Corbould.

“We realize there are details that still need to be worked out, but we’re confident that this program will be another layer in our approach to helping keep Edmontonians safe from COVID-19.”

ETS riders will continue to be required to wear face coverings. Physical distancing of two metres is now required in transit centres and LRT stations.

To access public City services and programs, people ages 12 and older must provide proof of vaccination or documentation of a medical exemption or show proof of a negative test result.​
  • September 20 to October 25: proof of a single dose is considered acceptable as long as the dose was given more than two weeks before the time of entry.
  • After October 25: proof of double vaccination is required.
  • Tests must be privately-paid COVID-19 PCR or rapid tests completed within 72 hours before accessing a program or service.
  • Tests must not be from Alberta Health Services or Alberta Precision Laboratories.

During the initial stages of this program, Edmontonians should plan to arrive at facilities a little earlier than normal. We ask for patience as City employees review patrons’ individual vaccination status or recent negative test results.

More information will be available on when the provincial public health orders are published and if there are any further clarifications made to these rules by the Government of Alberta in the coming days.

Within Edmonton city limits, masks or face coverings are mandatory in all indoor public places and public vehicles as per the Temporary Mandatory Face Covering bylaw. This applies to businesses, workplaces, retail shops, City of Edmonton facilities, and includes public transit vehicles, enclosed transit centres and LRT platforms.​

For more information:

Media contact:
Geoffrey Driscoll
Communications and Engagement
This is what triage looks like even if/when you or someone you love does manage to get an ICU bed:

“In ICU Triage Team

“Role Description:

“The In ICU Triage Team has a key role during Phase 2 of Critical Care Triage for both adult and pediatric populations. During active triage a patient’s admission to ICU constitutes a trial of critical care only, and their eligibility for continued critical care will be reassessed daily.

“The In ICU team are responsible for application of the specific discontinuation criteria for patients receiving critical care. Critical Care Triage is in addition to current standards of practice whereby discussions may occur with families around withdrawal of life sustaining measures when clinically indicated.

“Triage decisions are team based. Decisions to discontinue critical care are not subject to consent or appeal.”

This is what triage looks like even if/when you or someone you love does manage to get an ICU bed:

“In ICU Triage Team

“Role Description:

“The In ICU Triage Team has a key role during Phase 2 of Critical Care Triage for both adult and pediatric populations. During active triage a patient’s admission to ICU constitutes a trial of critical care only, and their eligibility for continued critical care will be reassessed daily.

“The In ICU team are responsible for application of the specific discontinuation criteria for patients receiving critical care. Critical Care Triage is in addition to current standards of practice whereby discussions may occur with families around withdrawal of life sustaining measures when clinically indicated.

“Triage decisions are team based. Decisions to discontinue critical care are not subject to consent or appeal.”

Triage isn’t deciding who gets health care first. Triage is deciding who gets to die first.

If you haven’t already, just go get your damn vaccination or stay home and shut up.

