Senior Member
I agree with you, but my (and others) point is that, if you don't need to spend extra money to build ot with some extra degree of protection, why not do it?And how do you change the culture? By introducing bike infrastructure.
Europe hasn't always been a bike paradise land. It took a lot of time to change the mentality.
There are many cities in Europe that are not bike friendly at all. You wouldn't want to bike in Rome.
We actually said the same thing, too. We need to build the infrastructure and change this (hideous) car-centric culture and, as we build it, drivers will become more respectful and biking will become safer. I just believe that the best way to start this movement is by building protected bike lanes, for several reasons:
1 - it's flat our safer for bikers.
2 - it enhances safety, walkability and comfort for pedestrians as well.
3 - it sends a message to drivers that bikes are here, they're not going anywhere, and they have as much priority as the cars.
3.1 - because of this, it will, eventually, sink into driver's habits that cyclists are not just kids or "woke" people
4 - It can be just as cheap as unprotected (just by using parking protected lanes)
5 - In some areas where you can decide to build dedicated, specialized infrastructure, it can have a significant urbanistical and architectural impact and revitalize some areas, becoming a positive banner for the biking cause.