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Well, I'm not a hypocrit, I didn't mind Harris, he did a lot of what he did because he had to to save money and balance the budget, and I hated Dalton from day 1. I have to admit though, Harris should have cancelled the Sheppard subway and continued with Eglinton instead.

This is why I have such a negative view of Harris. His decision to cancel the Eglinton Subway wasn't some innocent mistake. He knew fully that the Eginton Subway needed to be built and that Sheppard would have been a waste of $1 Billion. He just wanted to do a favor for Mel Lastman. And that little favor he did set back transit planning in Toronto by 25 years.

If he hadn't be so irresponsible, we would be preparing for the opening of the Eglinton Subway extension to Pearson and Kennedy right now.
Live from City Hall

Council votes 35 to 9 in favour of extending the Bloor-Danforth subway line rather than building the Scarborough LRT to replace RT.

In other news:

Cllr Giorgio Mammoliti's Finch subway motion goes off to planning committee. Vote is 42 to 2

;) no jokes

Council votes 24 to 19 to ask the province to make the North York Relief Line a priority for phase 2 of Metrolinx funding

Cllr Peter Milczyn's motion on transit lines goes to planning committee. Vote is 24 to 20

-Finch Subway
-Sheppard Subway
-Jane LRT
-Scarborough Subway
-BD extension to Sherway Gardens
- and more...

Well, his logic is sound. If you want Toronto to send cheques to the province, these are what they should look at in the 2nd wave. To think Cllr Vaughan and Matlow and their gang wants the province to tax Torontonians and have no further improvements or upgrades:rolleyes:

It's our responsability to build the GTA
screamed Matlow calling the councillors who wanted "strings attached project" for Toronto Council's support Selfish.

Who's your boss again Matlow? Right...Torontonians are, not the 905:mad:

When asked by Councillors why he doesn't support building more subways, Adam Vaughan answered with lots of convictions in a passionate way : LRT's are the future!

I think I had a tear!:D

At least Pasternak finally raised the obvious truth. Why is Scarborough denied subway due to low ridership and density while Vaughan is not even close to be within the subway threashold? On top of that, he added, Torontonians will be on the hook for 16 M$ to operate the subway to Vaughan

Good man! :)

Rob Ford speech? He said that the revenue tools would be imposed by the city.:confused: Said that we have a billion to dig today, more subways.:confused: He said that he supported the Chong report.:confused:

Can I organize a "Coup d'etat" and take his place? He said he would campaign against whoever votes for the revenue tools. Can someone tell him to switch the "campaign button" to OFF already. He didn't get the memo that he already won and he should start governing instead of acting like an opposition leader.:rolleyes:

Council votes 39 to 5 to ask that the Yonge North subway extension not proceed until increased capacity is added to the Yonge line

Finally!!! About time!!!!:D
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Well, I'm not a hypocrit, I didn't mind Harris, he did a lot of what he did because he had to to save money and balance the budget, and I hated Dalton from day 1. I have to admit though, Harris should have cancelled the Sheppard subway and continued with Eglinton instead.

Do you mean extend on Eglinton the crosstown to Kingston rd and continue East from there? That may work but getting the LRT and car traffic to flow properly at that intersection would be a challenge. Find a way to take it up to the Zoo then connect to the Finch or sheppard LRT (eventually) would also be a plus of this plan.

Scarborough won't like anything until you bury some version of transit for them. They feel neglectled and rightfully so. All they had for decades is 2 stops on the subway (3 if you count Vic Park, but it's on the boundary of both) and zero streetcar lines. Heck, Bingham and Neville loops basically stop at the border. Sure they got the SRT 30+ years ago, but it's now been neglected for so long, it could be out of commission for 3 years while it's converted to something else.

Scarborough has been starved for transit for decades, and basically been forced to drive. Now all they're getting is the crosstown down the middle of Eglinton, and taking away 2 lanes for cars. I can totally understand why the citizens and councillors are now pushing for the subway extension - and why they wanted the crosstown buried.
Yes, and and Bring the subway to STC. But I also want the subway to go to the city borders. McCowan and Steeles, as it would serve more people. And I agree, Scarborough deserves better.
@TheSunnyDhillon: Glenn De Baeremaeker's motion on a Scarborough subway carries 35 to 9 #topoli

@TheSunnyDhillon: Of course, the province has already said it won't support converting the Scarborough RT into a subway. No one seems to care. #topoli

That's from the Globe's city hall reporter. So unless we have a different provincial government, the scarb subway can't happen then, right?
good. But McCowan and Steeles. What is your plan for east scarborough solid snake? The subway is nice but people in Dean Park and Port Union got something under transit city, not now.

Easy answer! LRT!!!!!
They will attract more riders and feed the subway lines further more.

If the province wants to raise 2B$ a year forever (because governments almost never cancel taxes), then we have the right to demand that the Scarborough-Malvern LRT be added to the list of project. I would support it 100%.

Can we start being ambitious for a change and start acting like the 4th Metropolis in North America already???

Instead I have to watch councillor Shelley advocating for more LRT's because "Freakin":mad: Denver is doing it! Wow...What are we??? Can we collectively accept and embrace who we are. A city where there's more highrises being built than Mexico, New York, L.A Combined???

Toronto ranked 5th in the world and 2nd in North America as the world's most competitive city in 2012
One of the top 10 global leaders of financial centres
Toronto remains the world's fourth most liveable city in 2012
2012 Cities of Opportunity: Toronto ranks third overall
Toronto named one of the world’s top seven intelligent communities of 2013
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Depends is Wynne can hold on long enough to her job...Whenever Horvath decides to grow a backbone
Grow a backbone on what? She's polling a distant third, and her party has serious input on policy and the budget, for the first time in two decades. She wouldn't get this type of input on a Conservative minority ... she has everything to lose and nothing to gain.
Grow a backbone on what? She's polling a distant third, and her party has serious input on policy and the budget, for the first time in two decades. She wouldn't get this type of input on a Conservative minority ... she has everything to lose and nothing to gain.

quite the opposite. She's becoming more and more irrelevant as this charade is allowed to continue. Sure she has more power than before, but voters don't care. She's even lower than before and she should be better than Wynne.

She has everything to gain by forcing an election, pulling her party towards the center and kick the wounded Liberals on the ground and steal their voters.

Honestly, she would rather be leader of the opposition in a Conservative majority than a third party with the balance of the power. As leader of the opposition, you get way more coverage and you have 4 years to show the population that you are competent and that you are fit to form a majority government while the Liberals would barely make the news.

The status quo doesn't help her one bit. Voters don't care at all. look at the polls and in the end, votes is all that matters
quite the opposite. She's becoming more and more irrelevant as this charade is allowed to continue. Sure she has more power than before, but voters don't care. She's even lower than before and she should be better than Wynne.

She has everything to gain by forcing an election, pulling her party towards the center and kick the wounded Liberals on the ground and steal their voters.

Honestly, she would rather be leader of the opposition in a Conservative majority than a third party with the balance of the power. As leader of the opposition, you get way more coverage and you have 4 years to show the population that you are competent and that you are fit to form a majority government while the Liberals would barely make the news.

The status quo doesn't help her one bit. Voters don't care at all. look at the polls and in the end, votes is all that matters

No. If the NDP calls an election today the best possible scenario is that they'll lose seats. Worst case scenario is that the Conservatives will win and any chance cooperation between the NDP and majority party will be eliminated. I suppose there is a tiny chance they could gain a seat or two, but the risks are far to great. What is best for the NDP is to maintain the status quo.
Scarborough has been starved for transit for decades, and basically been forced to drive. Now all they're getting is the crosstown down the middle of Eglinton, and taking away 2 lanes for cars. I can totally understand why the citizens and councillors are now pushing for the subway extension - and why they wanted the crosstown buried.

That's a lie and you know it.
No. If the NDP calls an election today the best possible scenario is that they'll lose seats. Worst case scenario is that the Conservatives will win and any chance cooperation between the NDP and majority party will be eliminated. I suppose there is a tiny chance they could gain a seat or two, but the risks are far to great. What is best for the NDP is to maintain the status quo.

You're assessment is also accurate. This is an impossible situation. You get fingers pointing at you because you caused an election.

Status quo grants you power but does nothing for you in terms of votes.

It's a huge risk in the end... You win the opposition or you fall further down then you were. One thing's for sure. I would take that gamble against Wynne using what the Federal NDP did along with the Labour Party in England which got Tony Blair elected and the Liberals almost wipped off the map.

Move towards the left in your policies and try to get some of the Liberal votes to switch to your party. Wynne will be running on a promise to increase taxes... Good luck with that!
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You're assessment is also accurate. This is an impossible situation. You get fingers pointing at you because you caused an election.

Status quo grants you power but does nothing for you in terms of votes.

It's a huge risk in the end... You win the opposition or you fall further down then you were. One thing's for sure. I would take that gamble against Wynne using what the Federal NDP did along with the Labour Party in England which got Tony Blair elected and the Liberals almost wipped off the map.

Move towards the left in your policies and try to get some of the Liberal votes to switch to your party. Wynne will be running on a promise to increase taxes... Good luck with that!

If the NDP pulled the plug on the Liberals in October or November of last year, I believe the polls had all 3 parties neck and neck. The NDP could have quite conceivably won the most seats in a Minority government and had the 3rd place Liberals supporting them. If the NDP pulled the plug on the Liberals in February or March, the Conservatives probably would have won the most seats, but the NDP may have been able to form a 2-3 coalition (Pederson style) to form government. Now it seems that the NDP is slipping into 3rd place and is moving towards irrelevance in a two party race as the anti waste and corruption portion of the NDP moves to the conservatives (probably a smaller group) and the bulk of the left of centre support moves towards Wynne, who is proving to be better than Dalton (not hard to do). In a few more months the NDP will be so far down that Wynne will no longer have to adjust any policies to the NDP, since the NDP will be terrified to force a vote.

I would say that the only time better than now for the NDP to force and election is yesterday. The only time worse than now is tommorow.
