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Toronto hasn't paid a majority share of TTC capital expenses since the 70's; other levels of government will be paying the bulk of nearly any plan that gets put forward.

However, just because the province has a larger revenue stream isn't an excuse to spend freely without attempting to maximize benefits; and by benefits I mean a happy/healthy society NOT whether some group of politicians can buy re-election through it.
I think you're missing the essential point: Keesmaat is using *their own words* to make the point you are.

"TTC and who pays capital expenses" is a convoluted discussion in itself. What's important in this discussion is 'setting up' certain parties to divulge more than is healthy for their public statements.

Addendum: Just to illustrate that I'm not 'fudging' answers to a bigger context on the TTC capital budget, I'll quote Steve Munro, who is meticulous and referenced:
A major problem with the TTC’s budget and plan is the ever-growing list of “unfunded” projects. There are now at least five groups:

  • Projects that are officially in the “base budget” but for which no funding has been identified ($2.273 billion)
  • New projects that are not in the base, but which are shown in the chart of funding sources as a contribution to the shortfall ($1.05 billion).
  • Changes in scope of existing projects for which there is no funding ($128 million).
  • Additional projects that do not exist in any of the lists ($2.216 billion).
  • Projects listed in the detailed budget, but with spending planned (if it is shown at all) beyond the 2018-2027 plan’s window.
This backlog represents almost as much as the “funded” portion of the budget, and the absence of clear information on the need for, timing and priority of these projects is a huge gap in the information presented to the Commission and to Council. Changes in the timing of any of these projects and/or the need to move them into “funded” status will have a domino effect through the entire TTC and City budgets by bringing costs into years where funding is not now available.

This list does not include any major rapid transit projects such as the Scarborough Subway (SSE), the Relief Line (RL), SmartTrack (a City project separate from the TTC’s budget) or the LRT expansions on the Waterfront West or Eglinton East (once part of the Scarborough “package”). Only the SSE has “funding” in the sense that resources from three governments are earmarked to build it, but this project could still run aground if the costs at 30% design come in higher than the current estimate.

Note: In various places in this article, I quote the TTC’s responses to questions about details of the budget. These were supplied by Brad Ross, Executive Director of Corporate Communications, from TTC staff. Thanks to Brad for this.

Special emphasis:

This list does not include any major rapid transit projects such as the Scarborough Subway (SSE), the Relief Line (RL), SmartTrack (a City project separate from the TTC’s budget) or the LRT expansions on the Waterfront West or Eglinton East (once part of the Scarborough “package”). Only the SSE has “funding” in the sense that resources from three governments are earmarked to build it, but this project could still run aground if the costs at 30% design come in higher than the current estimate.

Indeed...and Keesmaat is playing on this, quite brilliantly. The next few days will show even more 'shakeout' from her 'presentation' as opponents trip over themselves to trash the same time as owning it.

There's some deep reverse sexism about it...
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Her cheeky transit map with not much new and a couple political stabs has really no affect on anything of importance. Nor does it impact Tory or Ford in anyway. But maybe it tickled her base into believing it has some impact.

Tory is essentially running unopposed after today's developments. If the best Keesmaat can do is rehash bygone era transit plans from the cutting room floor, methinks the tap's running empty. I mean for instance, seriously who's still talking about the Jane LRT that we all know would have to be tunneled from Bloor to Wilson?
Tory is essentially running unopposed after today's developments. If the best Keesmaat can do is rehash bygone era transit plans from the cutting room floor, methinks the tap's running empty. I mean for instance, seriously who's still talking about the Jane LRT that we all know would have to be tunneled from Bloor to Wilson?
lol! All the usual suspects, nodding like dolls on dashboards..

Later on Thursday, Tory’s campaign team said Keesmaat’s plan is basically the same as Tory’s.

“Keesmaat unveiled her “bold” new transit plan for Toronto, which amounts to shifting two stops in Scarborough. The remainder of the plan is exactly the same as the transit network expansion plan championed by Mayor John Tory and approved by City Council.”

It's getting too easy...
It's getting too easy...

Tory agrees with you.

Oh wait let me guess im missing the master plan and we need to get ready for the damning Toronto Star articles to follow that will blow this election wide open with bombshells. Right?

Cmon...People in this City want to move forward, few would care even if they did. The election was over before it started. Yawn
You probably think that $50 billion Keesmaat cites for her plan is realistic too. :rolleyes:
No, It's vapour, and it's working. You're reacting exactly as expected. Keep it up. When bait is put out, it's always good to see it taken. Tell all you friends too! Yummy...

And don't be afraid to quote Duggie, or is he not good for what he promises?
No, It's vapour, and it's working. You're reacting exactly as expected. Keep it up. When bait is put out, it's always good to see it taken. Tell all you friends too! Yummy...

And don't be afraid to quote Duggie, or is he not good for what he promises?

The bait? Neither of us would likely be responding back if you weren't posting in your Ford deranged riddles and excitement over a map that in actuality changes nothing. There was actually very little reaction whatsoever.

Oh yes I forgot ill should keep waiting. This is part of the master plan to come....
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$50 billion for DRL and some LRT? $15 billion would be way to much so this is just ridiculous. Mind you it`s been nearly 3 years since Toronto has had a pretty new transit map so it was about time someone came up with one. ST makes a hell of a lot more sense than this thing. Tory`s ST may have been written on the back of a napkin but, unlike this proposal, at least the napkin was clean.
Ward 38 - Scarborough District

►View All Properties

Proposed construction of the Scarborough Centre Station Terminal that serves as a combined subway and bus terminal.

Proposed Use --- # of Storeys --- # of Units ---

Type Number Date Submitted Status
Site Plan Approval 18 217815 ESC 38 SA Aug 30, 2018 Under Review
The only vaguely sexist thing going on about Keesmaat (as it relates to these boards) is your incessant discussion about how 'sexy' she is, and how nice her legs are.

Buy yourself a fleshlight and chill the fuck out.
lol! Ashamed of it are we? C'mon, you can admit it, you find Tory attractive...

If you can't understand the 'saleability' of being attractive, you've been asleep, or just flaccid. What was Trudeau's appeal all about?

Nuff your heart out. But while you're here, please answer a very basic question: 'Is Ford going to keep his promise on SSE'?

Please form a double line to the right with those dumbstruck by the possibility of his actually keeping the promise. Btw: It's far more than just her legs. Her demeanour and attitude are the prime attractants.

Only a few journos are reporting on Keesmaat's 'acquiescence' (my term) on Ford uploading the subways. Oliver does IIRC. It's a very important facet many are still missing. She's playing a very good hand so far, holding others to their claims, and building fantasies of her own based on them. (Her espousals are far more than 'fancies'. They're a tease to get the truth out, thus my earlier reference to Marie Henein, an avowed Feminist who is driven by the need for the law being applied equitably)

Or are we all wrong? Did Ford *not make* the claim? Please, be my guests to answer... or is that too difficult?
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Any more intelligent questions or comments dude?

Any evidence that the TTC actually paid for your delusional nonsense ? I'd like to see it. And if they did, I will definitely be filing ATIs to find out what value was gained from asking for advice from a crackpot calling herself a "flow technologist".
But mods - why isn't this being allowed in this thread, instead of the merit one, or the fantasy map thread.

Its extremely odd for this poster to remain silent for so long and pop-up in the Scarborough subway thread touting Doug Ford meetings after all these years in hibernation. I would like to believe she was just being open to listening to cost saving idea but he did recently mention a "subway" to Pickering. The timing is suspicious enough to atleast question the motive of the poster. Seems like a possible last minute sales pitch to Ford for her dream going on. At least that my guess and hope

And while the Pickering line could have merit and support down the road, a new "Transfer City" is not helpful to moving the City of Toronto forward nor would I believe a Ford supports this drastic change against his platform and his base.
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