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Wow. Five out of fifteen posts on page 556 are from Coffey1. That must be some kind of UT record.

I made it!

Couldn't do it without the long bus ride to the RT today, and packed screeching shuttle to Kennedy station before losing reception. Just want to give a shout out to the commuters in Scarborough grinding it out each day.

Truly an honour to transfer my way just to step foot into the Motherland of seamless transit. They sure know whats best for us.

I don't understand this statement. Forced transfers are a reality with any transit system. If you travel from Finch Station to Kennedy Station you are forced to transfer at Bloor.

Not all transfers are created equal. Your example is of a common sense transfer changing direction. HUGE difference

The Sheppard LRT to subway stub in the same direction is lunacy. It's adding a transfer to this commute. Not even somewhat rationale to those West of McCowan - To compromise we convert the stubway to LRT or at the very least build the Eglinton Crosstown fully for a local loop which make the 2nd rate transfer sting a bit less
transfer is bad for even more reasons as it forces the transfer one stop ahead of a planned central Growth hub and forces our elderly, young and disabled get up when they shouldn't have to & this type of planning is not attractive to commuters or business. - To compromise we can design & build the surface subway.

Yes there are "normal" transfers & then there are really poorly integrated designs where slogans like "transfers are common" are used as an excuse to justify the garbage plan what do you think about the article posted above?

Its the unfortunate reality that after a clear mandate the media still gives the Political Left further opportunities to voice their desire to stuff that transfer laden LRT plan upon Scarborough. Maybe the media's very own Mayor Matlow will get the message after next election? Truly hope Keesmat is working towards something more intelligent in the meantime
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I don't understand this statement. Forced transfers are a reality with any transit system. If you travel from Finch Station to Kennedy Station you are forced to transfer at Bloor.
Forced transfers are a great thing as you can connect more nodes together using less transit lines. For instance, we do not need to built a line running diagonally from Finch to Kennedy because the transfer at Bloor exists.

The problem I am speaking about in the previous post is forced transfers along the same transit corridor. It only really makes sense to force a transfer on the same corridor when ridership drops significantly, no longer warranting rapid transit. This is not the case on either Sheppard (at Don Mills) or at Kennedy.
You are correct I like many others outside the core don't appreciate the irresponsible anti suburb media in this City, but DONT confuse that and paint me as a supporter for certain Politicians.

So when are you gonna show the same contempt for some of the lies coming from subway supporters as you do for Josh Matlow, instead of going back to your usual attacking of the media? When are you gonna stop defending John Tory's inappropriate comments?

I choose to collect data from ALL sides to make an opinion & not pick one side of this simpleton politically polarizing debate.

Oh do you? That's a good one! Because all I ever hear from you is a bunch of partisan ranting against the left. From our previous dialogue:

Hey its Elliott one the two Metroland bicycle reporters who has a daily King st streetcar vs. car article, slag SSE article & some breaking bicycle lane news with Luke Simcoe.

This is your idea of hearing from all sides? He simply quoted word-for-word the stupidities that YOUR representatives in council said in their recent meeting, and you still couldn't set aside your political differences and address the substance of his posts. Somehow you even managed to drag cyclists into your vitriol, despite the fact that Matt is a CITY HALL columnist who writes once a week about John Tory.

Amazingly, it took a prominent Toronto Star columnist (of all people) to articulate a reasonable case for building the subway. Something which staunch defenders like you and GDB are unable to do yourselves.
So when are you gonna show the same contempt for some of the lies coming from subway supporters as you do for Josh Matlow, instead of going back to your usual attacking of the media? When are you gonna stop defending John Tory's inappropriate comments?

Oh do you? That's a good one! Because all I ever hear from you is a bunch of partisan ranting against the left. From our previous dialogue:

Hey its Elliott one the two Metroland bicycle reporters who has a daily King st streetcar vs. car article, slag SSE article & some breaking bicycle lane news with Luke Simcoe.

This is your idea of hearing from all sides? He simply quoted word-for-word the stupidities that YOUR representatives in council said in their recent meeting, and you still couldn't set aside your political differences and address the substance of his posts. Somehow you even managed to drag cyclists into your vitriol, despite the fact that Matt is a CITY HALL columnist who writes once a week about John Tory.

Amazingly, it took a prominent Toronto Star reporter (of all people) to articulate a reasonable case for building the subway. Something which staunch defenders like you and GDB are unable to do yourselves.

You can be the most articulate writer in the land be if you cant advocate for an integrated plan and just keep repeating the benefits of Transfer City than your just part of the problem. I may not be very eloquent myself but like many others out here im beyond upset at the out of touch, one sided media. People in Scarborough don't have a media forum to have their own weekly prominent reporter to articulate the many reasons the LRT plan is poorly designed.

I don't think the transfers could be more clear though. But keep up the good fight. Like I said if you don't get it now. You never will

Tory's comments have been blown up by the attacking media trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. They are clearly pissed they cant just take their ball and go home like usual and not Tory is a target. Metroland calling him divisive is sour grapes from a group pushing a divisive transit plan
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Do you even know wtf the purpose of the DRL is? Do you even know wtf kind of impact it would have on people taking Line 2 downtown?

Are you purposely dense or were you born that way?

There are so many sayings I could respond back. But ill take high road. Ok higher road

Where did I say I didn't support the DRL? I responded to a comment recommending Scarborough citizens pay for their fair integration to North York and Toronto's main transit infrastructure. If we are drilling down at the main beneficiaries which goes beyond passenger relief then lets do the same with the DRL.

Sorry I upset you. But an intelligent person like you will get over it quickly im sure

Tell him to get his head out of his ass then, with all the BS about "woe is Scarborough", "everyone hates Scarborough" that he is spouting here. It's impossible to have a healthy conversation when one side of the debate is incapable of being rational. Coffey1 has a major problem and should get therapy.

Will your anger management class be next door? If so we can do coffee afterward?

Lets just say we don't agree. But a healthy conversation doesn't mean you always win. But a smart guy like you probably skipped those early grades where they taught about sharing and equity
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so coffey1, what do you think of the article from CP24?

The article just shows an update that the subway is clearly expensive going fully underground and gives an update to those calling for the rebirth of the transfer LRT are likely facing similar costs.

To me the bigger problem would be the Political fall out which would ensue if that decision was ever made to revert to LRT. It would be a catastrophic disaster. Surely we can find some intelligent comprise without re-hashing the same ol' rhetoric.

End of the day we just need to move forward and improve on the subway extension and try to filter out the noise of those repeating the same thing and have nothing else to add. Hopefully Keesmat and Co. are on it.
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I really don't understand why the subway option has ballooned in price so much. Why is that not being discussed? Instead we go over the same arguments ad nauseam. How much can it possibly cost to rebuild Kennedy and use the existing corridor for subway? Can't possibly cost as much as these new numbers for the better underground option. Although the underground option doesn't even hit all the stops that it was supposed to in the first place.
Sheppard subway.

Though that's a strike against it ...
The Sheppard Subway currently has 48,000 passengers per day over 5.5km. This would be equivalent to 56,000 passengers per day over 6.4km (the same distance as the Scarborough Subway extension).

The Scarborough Subway extension is projected to have 62,000 passengers per day in 2031. I bet the Sheppard subway will have more than that by 2031 with all the development going on around the stations.
Perhaps we should have a plebisite and ask Scarborough voters - how much extra are they willing to pay out of their tax bills. Not the province, not the rest of the city - if you aren't willing to pony up to get to where you think it should be, why should anyone else, above and beyond what's already committed? You can't integrate without demonstrating the willingness to be integrated.

and while you are having the plebisite, ask if they want the 1 or 2 stop subway vs LRT
