Senior Member
Again, if you voted for someone brain-dead, the choice is solely the responsibility of the one making that choice, not that of anyone else. The rest of the slate might not be one’s ideological ideal, but if the choice is between someone with brains and not having one, it is clear what choice has to be made.
While that's true, the problem is that the group of people "responsible" in an abstract sense isn't necessarily the same as the group that feels the actual consequences.
For example, a large % of voters don't use public transit at all, or use it occasionally. Most of them vaguely agree that a better transit is a good idea. However if they elect someone like Rob Ford and that person messes up the transit plans, they don't really feel any negative effects.
Meanwhile people who use transit regularly, like I guess nearly everyone on this forum, get stuck with the result of the vote, even if they never voted for Rob Ford.