I find it laughable that people think Hudak shot himself in the foot with this proposal. When will people here learn? Isn't a Harper majority and a Ford mayoral win good enough? Just because some folks on UT think it's a bad idea or because the Toronto Star does not endorse it does not mean the public won't love it.
Mark my words. If the leftists in this town don't learn what the public truly wants, they will hand Hudak a bigger majority than McGuinty ever got.
The Star article is atrocious. Yes. Let's quote unions who have a vested interest in not having free labour doing their jobs. Nobody will see through that. And the NDP's suggestion was just as odd. It reminds me of Mike Harris' 'workfare' program.
None of this is to say that I like Hudak's policies. I really dislike the right's populist pandering. But, on the same token, the left often comes off as high-minded and intent on brow-beating ordinary Canadians into accepting their points of view.