o my god .... what a waste of energy ... for 2/3 load .... 90 min drying ...

i guess it is convinence that u can put everything in there and just leave ... :)

They are pretty energy efficient. My 1+1 condo has never hit the $40/month mark for electricity, and I run at least 2 loads a week. I also like my condo toasty warm during the winter (24 degrees) and chilly during the summer (21 degrees), so its not like I'm going out of my way to save energy. They just take forever to do anything since you have to do the full washer/dryer cycle (you need 3 hours total), instead of the traditional approach where you can finish a washer load, then put it into the dryer and start another washing load right away.

How many washer/dryer units do you see in the public laundry room? Coin operated I suppose. That will be the new hang out joint.

I haven't "see" it yet ... last week , the security was not helpful on giving me the direction , but i will go on this thu , for sure this time i will spend my time to find it .. :)
bad impression on the management company .....

for the passed 17 days , i already have 3 bad experience with the onsite management company (Icon Property Management)..

1. the security/ concierge is not helpful at all for showing direction in the building ...if you don't know the building, how can you keep the building safe ??

2.They also are very rude / no customer service skills......... if you see people in the pool table area , you just DON'T ask : " what are you doing here ?"......what am i suppose to answer you? i live in the building .....and the pool table area is served light refreshment .... is that means you actually expect to see people there ??

3. umm..... i have kept saying to them that i am LOOKING FOR an extra parking space for my unit since mid nov , apparently they wrote me down as "up for renting out my parking space" , and today (starting) at least 20 calls calling me and asking me how much $ i am renting for my parking space ....wellll........tomorrow i will just head to the office and screaming .....

hope that once more people move in , they will be better and i hope they actually know what they are doing ... ...:)

Wow!! Is the onsite management company located in a different building? Have you fully moved in now? I would assume that even though everyone in Building A is scheduled to move within this month, a lot of folks are delaying the process until after the holidays. As a result, I can only imagine the month of January 2012 will be crazy. The remainder of Building A occupants will continue to move in along with the addition of their Building B neighbours.
well .. for the whole Discovery complex .. so building A, B, D, E + townhouse .. is one management company call Icon Property Management .... they have a office in building D ground floor somewhere .... their onsite office opened since Aug in building D.

I still haven't go to concord today yet.. hope i will have a chance later on today . :)
has it been fun living at discovery, mcdonalds for breakfast, walk in canadian tire and ikea for your daily exercise lol
Hey for anybody else that has seen their unit; is it me, or are all the light switches very low? It's like they expect little people or a child to be occupying a single room apartment. I don't know what the deal is with that. Now I need to know if this is to code, or if I should report this in my 30 day Tarion form.
Hey for anybody else that has seen their unit; is it me, or are all the light switches very low? It's like they expect little people or a child to be occupying a single room apartment. I don't know what the deal is with that. Now I need to know if this is to code, or if I should report this in my 30 day Tarion form.

i think it's the new code designed for universal accessibility (ie. disabled).
are they like 3 ft from the ground ?
I would say it's approximately 3ft. I did not know about the universal accessibility. I just think it looks weird and I find it strange to reach down for a switch instead of in front.

If all the other units were built this way, then I will accept it. If it was built for accessibility, it was not requested by me and it was not in my purchase agreement.
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I would say it's approximately 3ft. I did not know about the universal accessibility. I just think it looks weird and I find it strange to reach down for a switch instead of in front.

If all the other units were built this way, then I will accept it. If it was built for accessibility, it was not requested by me and it was not in my purchase agreement.

3ft? :p so does that mean you're flicking the switch with an underhand instead? That's testing your back for taller people. How many disable people are there in this project? Short people are not a disability. haha
has it been fun living at discovery, mcdonalds for breakfast, walk in canadian tire and ikea for your daily exercise lol

That's exactly what my routine will be. I hope they will upgrade that McDonalds there. It looks.....outdated compared to other McDonalds.
Hey do you guys know what will be on the first floors? Restaurants? I hope it's restaurants. I think I saw a sign saying something about a deli coming?
That's exactly what my routine will be. I hope they will upgrade that McDonalds there. It looks.....outdated compared to other McDonalds.
Who cares, people go to McDonalds to eat, not to stare at the architecture. I would rather they use their profits to lower prices rather than upgrade the building.
Who cares, people go to McDonalds to eat, not to stare at the architecture. I would rather they use their profits to lower prices rather than upgrade the building.

I do, I don't recall anyone mentioning upgrading a McDonalds to win an architectural award. Updating it to align with other updated ones is just catching up with the times and their theme. Prices won't be lowered otherwise it will already be lower. Whatever makes the area nicer. If you want cheaper food there's IKEA across the street or drive across the city to find a lower priced McDonalds in worse shape.
