I've lived in KL Malaysia for the past 11 years and seeing a homeless person is a rare event, even in the poor parts of the city. They have a public transit elevated train that is clean, functional, safe and cheap - I have never felt unsafe on the MRT and it is a very nice system. They do not tolerate drugs here - penalties for possession are harsh and penalty for dealing drugs can be death. They also don't tolerate massive pro-palestine death to Israel and Jewish people protests. Malaysia is a democratic country and is 60% muslim, 25% chinese and 8 percent Indian and 7 percent indigineous - the government mandates national holidays for all the big religious events here and Christmas is a national holiday and despite having hardly any Christians they love Christmas here. I have never seen a pro-palestine protest or event here. I have been living overseas for close to 30 years now in various countries in Europe and Asia and I return to Edmonton yearly or every couple of years - its astonishing what has happened in Canada - the world is very very competitive and there are countries with a fraction of our natural wealth and resources (like South Korea) that have passed us, or will pass us shortly in terms of GDP per capita. Seoul Korea is safe, efficient, high tech and clean and people act civilized towards each other -there are no gangs of drug addicted homeless thugs scaring people - but penalties for drug possession and dealing drugs in South Korea are very stiff. Opioids are basically banned in Asia because governments know very well what opioids can do to a society - they will only use morphine as a pain reliever in extreme medical situations - the doctors here do not hand out oxycontins and they must look at the oxy / heroin epidemic in Canada and USA with astonishment - they must think how could the governments and doctors in Canada and USA be so stupid. South Korea has a universal health care program that is excellent and there are elements of private health care that people can opt into if they wish and it is light years better than Canada's system. There is hardly any wait times for surgery in South Korea - a high income democratic country of 60 000 000 million people with hardly any natural resources, a small country a fraction the size of Alberta that is mostly mountains - how did they do this? Also, dental is very affordable - a teeth scaling in a very modern dental office in Malaysia is 40 - 50 Canadian dollars. People take care of themselves more here and there is more personal responsibility - much less junk food. Unfortunately Canadian judges, law enforcement (especially in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal and Victoria) and government leaders have put the rights of the few above the rights of the majority and the chaos, crime and decline of Canadian society is what has ensued. Canada needs to correct itself quickly because its global reputation has taken a big hit and competitive and no-nonsense countries will continue to pass us buy and soak up investment dollars. I am friends with several Malaysians and they told me that there is a running joke in Malaysia that if a Malaysian gets arrested for a serious crime and is facing jail time they can emigrate to Canada online and get out of Dodge.