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With the new streetcars which the TTC is purchasing, would it even be necessary to constuct a loop? I was under the impression that these vehicles coulld be run bi-directionally. If so, then then extending the streetcar could be as simple as constructing a centre platform.

Nope. Only the Flexity Freedom, which will be running on the ECLRT, FWLRT and SELRT, can be run bi-directionally. Our new streetcars, the Flexity Outlook, can only be operated in one direction.
You posted it at 12:00, April Fools is only for the morning!!!
I read it before noon. The comments were kept closed until noon.

Didn't expect there to be much discussion though ...

BTW, does anyone have any suggestions for what zones to plant spaghetti trees? Could I get away with it in 5A?
I don't remeber Metrolinx ever committing to an alignment. But they do plan to spend somewhere around $8 billion on the DRL which is only $300 million less than the projected cost of the High Park-Downtown-Pape-Eglinton alignment. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing is built.

Okay good. It should be eglinton or even sheppard on both ends but w/e.
I understand that the route is fantasy, but unless the DRL were to terminate at Spadina, I have to wonder what the point of putting a GO station so close to Union would be, particularly if the DRL were to intersect GO at Liberty Village, Roncesvalles, ect.

To no longer run the Georgetown/Kitchener trains all the way to Union, so as to avoid the pinchpoint between the convention center and the skydome.
I shall reiterate, the plan for the DRL is currently south of Bloor, however the alaignment may run. Metrolinx plans to fund a line that runs from (these are arbitrary interchange stations and could change) pape to dundas west via downtown. It has stated that it must be funded before the Yonge line, or at least concurrently. While the TTC plans to run it up to Eglinton, metrolinx has shown no interest in funding that portion so it is likely still far on the horizon.
There is no chance that any space that is needed for tracks will be lost to Oxford; Metrolinx won't give up any line capacity.

Article was much to dry for an April Fool's gag.

"Pope Vows to get Pedophilia Down to Acceptable Levels" is funny. (courtesy The Onion)

"TTC Narrows Down DRL Subway Route Through Toronto's Core", not so much.
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I shall reiterate, the plan for the DRL is currently south of Bloor, however the alaignment may run. Metrolinx plans to fund a line that runs from (these are arbitrary interchange stations and could change) pape to dundas west via downtown. It has stated that it must be funded before the Yonge line, or at least concurrently. While the TTC plans to run it up to Eglinton, metrolinx has shown no interest in funding that portion so it is likely still far on the horizon.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Metrolinx planning to fund $8 Billion? I'm hoping that Toronto will chip in the extra $300 million to go to Eglinton. It would be completely illogical not to.
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