Yeah. There a lot of drivers who are totally oblivious to the dangerous situation they create. Good example is this on/off ramp:!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en
Cars are merging on and off DVP within a span of 100m. It's a poor design amplified by horrible drivers. In GTA we have several types of drivers:
1. Terrified of everything, unable to drive. Period. Slam on the breaks, sudden unpredictable moves etc. They are unable to make a safe lane change. Hence, they park themselves in the most right lane, and drive 30-50km below the speed of traffic.
2. Drivers that believe they are amazing drives. However, in reality, they are horrible. You will find them in the left-lane driving below the speed of traffic. They park themselves in one lane (typically on the left). They are either unaware that there is a dozen cars behind them trying to overtake them, or they do it on purpose "defending the law".
3. Drivers that don't know any rules. They tend to either be extra cautious because they are not sure what's legal and what's not, or the opposite because of their ignorance.
4. Drivers that think that the road belongs to them. They would cut you off (like in an example provided by hawc), won't let you merge, or just plan act dangerously.
I specifically left out drivers that speed. Speed in itself (within a reason) is not dangerous. It's drivers that drive not according to the conditions or make sudden unpredictable actions that are way more dangerous.