OMG, almost 9 years ago!
Thanks for sharing! It's a shame they're not building this across the entirety of Bayside for this phase.
Lots of updates on individual projects at this weeks WT meeting. See https://www.waterfrontoronto.ca/nbe/wcm/connect/waterfront/316aeaec-d174-41bb-bc30-aec6af904cb3/meeting+book+-+investment,+real+estate+and+quayside+committee+-+March+12,+2020+(final).pdf?MOD=AJPERES
There is some sort of City appeal going on because the City says they are not following the Rules set by an earlier AGCO hearing. See: https://www.blogto.com/eat_drink/2019/07/toronto-islands-noise-complaints/ I think this is still dragging on.My understanding was that when Sound Academy reopened as Rebel, the renovations included extensive soundproofing as requested by island residents. I wonder whether, given the COVID situation, they've moved events outdoors? If so, hopefully this problem will resolve itself within a couple of summers.