It'll be interesting to see where they move it. 121st area would be logical. They would not add to much time to responses to the North or NW.
The capital profile gives the address "101 airport road", but the city maps says this address covers the entirety of the Blatchford development except for the plots that were already sold. I was thinking that maybe it could go here, if they wanted to stay true to the "airport road" designation.
Fire Dept.PNG

121st is a good suggestion, and this plot enjoys a break in the concrete lane divider, so maybe it could be a candidate too? I'll be sure to see if this gets discussed in the meeting, and what the answer is.
Fire Dept1.PNG
The capital profile gives the address "101 airport road", but the city maps says this address covers the entirety of the Blatchford development except for the plots that were already sold. I was thinking that maybe it could go here, if they wanted to stay true to the "airport road" designation.
View attachment 385378
121st is a good suggestion, and this plot enjoys a break in the concrete lane divider, so maybe it could be a candidate too? I'll be sure to see if this gets discussed in the meeting, and what the answer is.
View attachment 385377
I think the second spot would be a better location, as it's best if its kept away from the areas currently being developed in Blatchford - having a loud fire station nearby discourages new residents. By the time residential reaches 121 Ave, Blatchford will be on far less shaky footings.

Maybe even in the Northwest corner would be good, as it's pretty close to the previous location (Fire Station 8) and has easy access to the Yellow Head.
Council was presented with budget update today for end of 2021. Due to lower than expected land sales, Blatchford missed the city's revenue projection by $9.5million. As well, potential property tax revenue would have been negatively impacted.

The city may have to budget more conservatively for a while at least when it comes to revenue projections for this project as it impacts the bottom line overall.

Hanger 11

Rob LeLacheur
• 2nd
Owner of Road 55: Creating Content that Connects!
20h • 20 hours ago

Amazing vision for this project in Edmonton.
Had an inside tour with Dean Wulf as he shared their plans for redevelopment of Hangar 11 right next to NAIT (Northern Alberta Institute of Technology).
The history! Built in 1942, Hangar 11 is one of only two remaining Second World War-era hangars built through partnership with the US Air Force at the former Blatchford Field (later Municipal Airport) near downtown Edmonton.
Check out those renders. Going to be such a cool place to live and play.
With that much incredible timber architecture in the building, we had to have our friend Jason Krips from Alberta Forest Products Assoc. come to check it out as well. 80 years strong and the timber playing a very key part of the building's incredible future.




Yes they are old -- since they were developed my firm and Douglas Cardinal Architect have been added to the Design team -- the design change will be quite dramatic if I may say so myself.
I remember years ago when they were still active hangars, I had a chance to recalibrate the heating and ventilation. I loved the feeling of walking through those halls. Hopefully this can be tied into the DES system.
