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I do wonder if the hurry and rush on boarding this up (and hopefully demolition to soon follow) means development of Ice District 2.0 is closer than some of us might be thinking? I might be optimistic here but I'm curious.
I do wonder if the hurry and rush on boarding this up (and hopefully demolition to soon follow) means development of Ice District 2.0 is closer than some of us might be thinking? I might be optimistic here but I'm curious.

It could be, but it could also just be from Fan Park event organizer complaints.
So now we’ll have 4 different tent cities spread like sticks throughout the DT core…..
Maybe it's just an illusion but it looks like the roof is about to cave in.

Tearing it down sooner than later also means paying less taxes, doesn't it?
In this case it is probably better to tear down sooner rather than later, particularly if the building has deteriorated, rather than let it become a safety or fire risk.
Hard for them not to look like the bad guy, I think it looks a lot worse than it is, but tough one to swallow coming out looking bad over a conditional 5 million when they have already given Boyle Street 10 million and basically 2 years of free rent in the space. I'm sure a settlement will be reached in short order but as it goes, good will is hard earned and easily lost.
"Both the Katz Group and Boyle Street declined interviews for this story, but provided written statements saying they're in the midst of trying to resolve the dispute through a private arbitration process."

Not a legal guy whatsoever but for those who know, would a lawsuit help push parties to engage in a private arbitration process? Given how careful Katz Group have been with minding PR of this entire saga, this feels like the nuclear option.
