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Beau Brooker
• 1st
Project Director
1h • 1 hour ago

Today is my last day with #KatzGroupRealEstate working on the #IceDistrict Project and the timing could not have been any better.

BG/Connect Centre building achieved occupancy this week.
Does not sound like he is hanging on for Phase 2 of ID.
Given the pictures of pallets and shelves someone posted recently, I wonder if he's referring to Ice District Authentics? The restaurants and Loblaws will require much more work compared to the sports store, I imagine.
Things were busy with Hometown Hockey.

It is interesting. I am thinking such projects may have some flexibility built into them, as things can change over the next few years, say if the bank expects it may need more space.

However, I suspect business people would just stick to what has been announced until if and when it has been determined to change it, so I wonder if the political spin types are getting a bit ahead of themselves here.
It is interesting. I am thinking such projects may have some flexibility built into them, as things can change over the next few years, say if the bank expects it may need more space.

However, I suspect business people would just stick to what has been announced until if and when it has been determined to change it, so I wonder if the political spin types are getting a bit ahead of themselves here.
On this particular case, it's not what's happening.
CWB has a very aggressive expansion plan for the next 5-10 years and if things go their way, they'll actually need those extra floors.
^Usually it is the building itself under the current building permit. Tenant improvements are yet to come.
Right cannot start the tenant work until the substantial review and occupancy is granted. It was a real push on Stantec tower to get the occupancy so the tenant work could get done.
It’s cool to see events like this come to fruition after a near decade of waiting!
