What do you think of this project?

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Immigration and universities will help drive demand for the 1600 and under price points. This fall/winter. Hopefully that can push some others into newer projects as supply is absorbed.

Big events and concerts will help get people downtown too. Our perception is still damaged. People don't feel safe or trust DT, let alone think its fun or desirable. But more people down there will change that.
From Tuesday:

Call it a more/less blank canvas. Lots of opportunity still there to create something nice.

Throw down some astro turf and lawn chairs.... seems like the current trend :cool:
Some planters in there would help some.
Some art on the concrete, too. Even sidewalk chalk, ha
Trees are a start I guess.

"So far, the plaza has 14 trees but the plan is to put in six more when the project is completed. The perimeter — from 103 Avenue to 104 Avenue — will have an additional 26 trees. In total, the project will have 46 trees."

A larger variety of plants would be nice though, I agree that planters would spruce things up even more.
A small annoyance, but has anyone else noticed the super loud air intake right by the patio for Braven? I don't know why on earth the building was designed that way, but it is quite loud and really detracts from the outdoor space.

Also noticed a similar problem right outside the main doors of the Milner library. Isn't this something that would normally be placed someone less prominent/busy?
