What do you think of this project?

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You know, it occurred to me that in Europe, when I lived there, many companies shuttered through August when everyone took a mandatory 4-week vacation. If the same could have been implemented in Canada and the U.S. for 4 weeks at this time, this thing could have been licked.
Sounds like a lame excuse to me. I can't imagine that they would have begun without supply confirmation.
They've been making excuses on this development for nearly two years. I do understand the supply issues in this instance though. The previous delays especially on the tower portion I just don't get. I wish they'd sell the land to Westrich and let them finish the project.
You know, it occurred to me that in Europe, when I lived there, many companies shuttered through August when everyone took a mandatory 4-week vacation. If the same could have been implemented in Canada and the U.S. for 4 weeks at this time, this thing could have been licked.
I'm not disagreeing with you @archited, but could you substitute in"traditional" 4-week vacation? It's a lovely thought when thinking of most European families custom of holidaying during the stifling heat of August. You'd always phone ahead to see if that restaurant was open because more than likely they were on vacation and didn't bother to keep the shop's doors open with other workers (the other workers were at the beach too!) I think our current situation is a different beast altogether...
Ok, ok @Kaizen let's say "traditional" -- but when the Volkswagen plant in Wolfsburg closes for August, I don't have much choice about taking vacation; same if I work in the Philips factory in Eindhoven, or the Peugeot plant in Sochaux, or the Bernina factory in Steckborn. My over-riding point was that if everything in NA could shut down for 30 + 1 days the virus would have no where to go and so would expend itself on the rocky shores of isolation. Instead, we have these haphazard closures and confusing orders about what to do fueled by the conspiracy theorists and chest-thumping machismo expressionists.
Looking at the action on site, I can't imagine this is a short duration stop of construction. They are installing new waterproofing membrane which would be torn up if they were to install anything above.

I understand why everyone is on board with Westrich to just get the project done as they've been throwing up towers quickly which are quite good looking from the exterior but I'd have to put in a vote against them.
They truly look nice but are some of the cheapest construction I have ever seen. They are an unbeatable value on paper but living in one you start to see the quality come through very quickly.
I lived in the Ultima for almost a year, after initial occupancy in '17, and had no concerns or issues with the quality of build.

I still know more than a dozen current occupants of the Ultima, and have never heard any of them voice this concern, and I am close enough to more than half of those, that after this amount of time any concern/complaints re. construction/build flaws would have been made to me.



I lived in the Ultima as well from '17-19. Parkade areas with multiple code issues (copper to cast to pex lines throughout), tons of heat pump issues arose in many suites, framing pushed right against heat pumps/fan coils causing rattling (especially in higher floors/larger suites to sell higher ceilings), window wall completely frosting over in winters from cheap product (not just during extreme cold). Don't really want to specify more as I don't live there any more and don't want to give a negative connotation to Westrich in general. I just would like to see a variety in builders and would rather not see three of their towers in a row down 103st due to the items noted.

Regardless I do think something needs to come up on the BG site, I'm hating the delays just as much as everyone else here.
I move into Encore somewhere around August, and hope Westrich learns from errors made with their previous buildings. I've read horror stories with Ultima, but then some say you'd be hard pressed to find similar builds without the same complaints. Fortunately for me, my current apartment has so many water issues ongoing, that I can take whatever is thrown at me. :mad:
@edmo14 Welcome to the Forum!

I think a lot of folks are being a bit harsh with ICE District JV here. Unlike a lot of big fancy proposals that got concessions from the city and went nowhere, or never received the full value of what we as a city were sold (you know who I''m talking about), ICE District JV have made an earnest go at this first phase, and continue to do so despite so many challenges that have arisen that are entirely outside of their control.

Feeling frustrated is valid and understandable, but I feel it's being misdirected.
This afternoon
kingsway and Downtown 2020-05-19 061.JPGkingsway and Downtown 2020-05-19 074.JPGkingsway and Downtown 2020-05-19 077.JPG
Talked to my contact at the steel manufacturer. No steel shortage at all. In fact, they said steel is cheap and there is plenty of raw material. It was an investor/cash flow issue on the client end. I imagine a few backers pulled out when the markets tanked. Anyways, he said the project is a go again (they needed to line up more partners) and production should ramp up over the next couple months. Likely explains why the crane went up and then nothing happened for a while.

I will ask again in a few weeks to see if anything changes.
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Talked to my contact as the steel manufacturer. No steel shortage at all. It was an investor/cash flow issue on the client end. I imagine a few backers pulled out when the markets tanked. Anyways, he said the project is a go again (they needed to line up more partners) and production should ramp up over the next couple months. Likely explains why the crane went up and then nothing happened for a while.

I will ask again in a few weeks to see if anything changes.

Well I guess that's as good of news as we could hope for right now.
The on site crews had put some temporary seals on the elevator shafts last week so I'm hoping this means we'll see some more action and concrete work starting shortly.
Talked to my contact at the steel manufacturer. No steel shortage at all. In fact, they said steel is cheap and there is plenty of raw material. It was an investor/cash flow issue on the client end. I imagine a few backers pulled out when the markets tanked. Anyways, he said the project is a go again (they needed to line up more partners) and production should ramp up over the next couple months. Likely explains why the crane went up and then nothing happened for a while.

I will ask again in a few weeks to see if anything changes.
Ridiculous...sorry.. Sale of Stantec money gone already? As I said before, they should sell it to someone else and let them finish it off. As most, I've followed this since the Greyhound demo and have heard it all. Thanks for the info though.
