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So how quick, is quick enough? We are not talking just a few months or even a year or two at this point. This is really dragging on and the dead zones are not good for the area or the city overall.

I don't think we are being excessively impatient at this point.
^And how do you know they haven't?? Unless you work at the City, are colleagues with those who work for the City and are familiar with this matter/site/developer how do we know what they are/are not doing?

Reality is this, for some reason Regency couldn't justify developing this site over others. That's a business decision they made and I respect that. They also f*cked up with the BMO site which has had a negative impact on their reputation. I'll go on record saying it's shameful how they've dealt with this prime downtown site especially since they live and call this city their home. To me it shows that they don't really GAF. That's what really p*sses me off.
Simple, the city is in charge of the city; so, if anyone deviates from that and they ignore it, they are responsible. How many years have their lots been like that? How long ago was Arlington burnt down? We'll before these lots. If the city has not done anything about that, that tells me they have not done anything PERIOD. Pretty logical don't you think?
If you failed to pay traffic fines or speeding tickets, do you think you'll get your car re-registered? ABSOLUTELY NOT, and that is how I know. The traffic department did their solutions...
No but irrelevant. If my city is not reacting after years of this, that tells me nothing has been done period.
No but irrelevant. If my city is not reacting after years of this, that tells me nothing has been done period.
The City or any other organization for that matter doesn't publicly disclose everything that happens behind the scenes. There has been work to address problem properties and that work is still ongoing. It needs to be done in a thoughtful way to make sure the solution has some teeth yet isn't completely unfair for land owners and is only used in certain circumstances. Is the lack of development frustrating? Sure. What is worse is that often the lots are unsightly and the sidewalks are not maintained in the winter making sites like the Arlington a nightmare for pedestrians.
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I understand that, but, like I said, These two lots by Regency has been there for how long? The grace period is well over, so if no action has been done, they have not done much if at all. What about the Arlington? That is closing in to a decade now and still a jungle mess...
The City or any other organization for that matter doesn't publicly disclose everything that happens behind the scenes. There has been work to address problem properties and that work is still ongoing. It needs to be done in a thoughtful way to make sure the solution has some teeth yet isn't completely unfair for land owners and is only used in certain circumstances. Is the lack of development frustrating? Sure. What is worse is that often the lots are unsightly and the sidewalks are not maintained in the winter making sites like the Arlington a nightmare for pedestrians.
I am sure they don't, but in the absence of anything indicating they actually have done something, its not unreasonable to believe nothing has been done.

Even if that is not the case, nothing has been accomplished.
I am sure they don't, but in the absence of anything indicating they actually have done something, its not unreasonable to believe nothing has been done.

Even if that is not the case, nothing has been accomplished.
I gave a concrete example of what is being worked on. It is in Council minutes. I wouldn't call that nothing and it is publicly available. If folks can't be bothered to do a quick google search, I don't know what to tell you. There is definitely not an absence of anything though.

The latest report was on Derelict Residential and Non-residential Properties - Grant Program and Draft Policy back in October. Part of what limits the City is the MGA as far as applying tax levies to specific properties. The report touches a little bit on that. Council gave direction for Administration to return with a report of a new program focusing on Derelict properties. I'm not sure what the timing for that report is though.
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I gave a concrete example of what is being worked on. It is in Council minutes. I wouldn't call that nothing and it is publicly available. If folks can't be bothered to do a quick google search, I don't know what to tell you. There is definitely not an absence of anything though.

The latest report was on Derelict Residential and Non-residential Properties - Grant Program and Draft Policy back in October. Part of what limits the City is the MGA as far as applying tax levies to specific properties. The report touches a little bit on that. Council gave direction for Administration to return with a report of a new program focusing on Derelict properties. I'm not sure what the timing for that report is though.

I believe it was Councillor Anne Stevenson who was involved in this - you know, the same person who some claim doesn't do anything for downtown.
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So, if I can summarize - there was a report that sounds like it said they couldn't do anything and so they asked for another report.

Maybe in the world of bureaucracy that created or is creating a lot of activity, but IRL not much has happened so far.

Perhaps some day the councillor you mention will acomplish something, she is still new, but at this point I am not so hopeful anymore.
I gave a concrete example of what is being worked on. It is in Council minutes. I wouldn't call that nothing and it is publicly available. If folks can't be bothered to do a quick google search, I don't know what to tell you. There is definitely not an absence of anything though.

The latest report was on Derelict Residential and Non-residential Properties - Grant Program and Draft Policy back in October. Part of what limits the City is the MGA as far as applying tax levies to specific properties. The report touches a little bit on that. Council gave direction for Administration to return with a report of a new program focusing on Derelict properties. I'm not sure what the timing for that report is though.
We'll, give them a fine now! That is like saying, I have concrete evidence I started my homework...
