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The glazing seems to have stalled, I haven't seen any more added for a few weeks now. Anyone have any idea why this might be?
Machine broke, stuck at port would be my best guesses.

Maybe someone dropped a pallet on top of another pallet is the unlikely guess.
Bricky bricky brickbrick


It's a bit darker red than it appears in the photo.
Permit Type Major Development Permit
Permit Class Not Available
Permit Date Jul 25, 2019
Status Approved
Description of Development To construct an addition (increased Floor Area within floors 38 to 42), and to construct exterior and interior alterations (revise the interior layout, vehicular parking space layout and increasing the vehicular parking spaces from 206 to 215, and re-distribute bicycle parking spaces in the parkade) to a mixed-use development of Apartment Housing and main floor General Retail Uses (This is a revision to Development Permit numbers 134240188-001, 134240188-003, 134240188-005, 134240188-012 and 134240188-027). (Encore Condominiums)
Address 10180 - 103 STREET NW

Top picture : ah yes the 4 stages of Edmonton condo development....boring square box red/grey low high rise, on the far right the slightly better but still blah The Icons, the far left the slightly better Fox condos, and then there's the beautiful Encore tower, how our new condos SHOULD look from now on !! ? ? ?
