What do you think of this project?

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I would like to see movement on the old Chinatown Mall project next to the Hat at Five corners. They have made the old drycleaners next to the Hat a private off-leash dog park for tenants, which is a great idea for a temporary usage, although it could use some grass.
I agree but I worry we aren't going to see much movement there for awhile. The Quarters is far too big of a mess.

Be great if they repeated what they did on their 5 corners job and bought the Jameson site however...
To be fair, one only became completed within the last few weeks (this project) and the others are in the Quarters wasteland
I'm not in any hurry to see that crappy little commercial building razed. That's actually a better-than-you'd-expect liquor store, and World's Finest makes some of the best donairs in the area. Often times, it seems that businesses like these can't afford the rents charged (or TIs required) in modern podium CRUs.
Thats why we need more population, to drive a more constant revenue stream for these businesses.
This area (Quarters) needs a TON more density and diversity of incomes to make those work. As for this project and its location, I could see a destination store or two working, but more likely these would find success as prof offices or work/live.
