I had the exact same thought @westcoastjos!
Completely agreed! It's insane just how underdeveloped the area directly south of 81 Avenue between 105th and Gateway is. You have some of the city’s most walkable streets in the form of Whyte Avenue and Old Strathcona, and only a block in the other direction is parking lots and big-box stores. More developments like this in that area are sorely needed.If this one is approved, I really hope construction is sooner rather than later because this will make a massive improvement to the area. It will definitely start to feel much more 'big city'.
What jurisdiction does the metro board have over this land? Seems odd.Sounds like the rezoning passed two readings at Council and now needs Metropolitan Board approval.
4.2 Amendments to Statutory Plans
A municipality must refer to the Board any proposed amendment to a statutory plan that meets
one or more of the following conditions:
...j) The plan area of the proposed amendment to the statutory plan includes a Park and Ride orPlanned LRT line or the boundaries of the proposed amendment to the statutory plan arewithin 0.8 km of a Park and Ride or Planned LRT line as identified on Schedule 10B:Transportation Systems - Regional Transit and Trails to 2044 in the Edmonton MetropolitanRegion Growth Plan,