There was a DP created in June and issued earlier this month for an OEG fan park. Whatever that will end up looking like I don't know.
I know that they want to improve that space to be able to expand the playoff viewing/parties to that space one the Mosspit is at capacity.
Fan Park: could mean controlled parking lot for fans attending an event (reserved stalls, lighting to guide you to the parking stall) or it could mean a celebratory park for fans. Given the ice plaza - not sure why they would build a celebratory park - unless its for food trucks, events like the PBR etc.
They are going to cover the area surrounded by temp fencing in concrete and install permanent metal fencing around that to create the 'fan park' as previously mentioned. There will also be lighting and I believe landscape included as well.
Sounds about right. They want a space they can use for various events and celebrations that require something more than a gravel lot without power.
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Would love it if it was another container project like Station Park. But probably nothing quite that exciting... perhaps some pads for food trucks to park. I'll take it though.
