i have no idea what you’re saying here IanO... :(

You and I posted about the same time; it was intended for the post above yours.

ie. relative to other major centres, our lease rate spread between central and suburbs is generally very little. The premium to be Downtown is almost non-existent in Edmonton, whereas it might be 25-50% + in other cities.
Which makes their movement into the CRUs of the Ice District very unfortunate.
Actually, in that way it is fortunate that instead of the additional branch that the original post by DTYEG said he expected, this move to Ice District opens up a space for more helpful pedestrian traffic usage on Jasper Ave in the old space.
...or perhaps that brick and mortar branches/the banking industry is shifting to a new form of delivery.

Expect more branches to close or be consolidated.
Well, yes that is part of it, but more dramatically so on Jasper Ave, as the remaining branches are also shifting away from it to other locations. Although, at this point there really isn't much more to consolidate or close on that street. I think we are down from 18 bank branches at one time between 100 St and 124 St to 4 after Scotia closes.

I suppose this wouldn't so be bad if something else better would come in to replace them, but the RBC empty space that had dandelions in it was not a good sign.
Actually, in that way it is fortunate that instead of the additional branch that the original post by DTYEG said he expected, this move to Ice District opens up a space for more helpful pedestrian traffic usage on Jasper Ave in the old space.
So this is a win- win? A fortunate development for Jasper Ave and Ice District?
So this is a win- win? A fortunate development for Jasper Ave and Ice District?
Well, assuming the space is filled in this decade. The former National Trust space directly across from this Scotiabank space was vacated by the trust company many years ago and is currently vacant.

The RBC space down the street is still vacant. A portion of the former HSBC space on 105 St and a portion of the BNS space on 107 Street is still vacant and the the former CIBC space on 108 Street too.

I would argue a bank branch generates more traffic than an empty space.
iPhone pano, so stitching is bit shitty.
