




Here's hoping this is not another austere, cold and replicated 'of the day' refresh. As a former tenant of this building with charm, I worry.
While we don't have a good clear look at it or anything, the 2 podium renders here look promising at least! Some brick introduced, more activation it looks like, big open windows, lighting, etc. Mark me down as cautiously optimistic, but we'll see what reality brings and what eventual tenants do with their space.
The food hall looks to really open up into RHW, that is a massive win. Love this.
Been awhile since I've been down there, any idea what will happen to the food court in the basement? Is that still a thing now?
Been awhile since I've been down there, any idea what will happen to the food court in the basement? Is that still a thing now?
Food Court is moving up to the main floor. Looks like it will take over the old coffee shop, travel agent and dentist areas. I couldn't find any information on what will happen in the basement. Maybe that's part of phase 3.
Yes it seems like the existing Food Court is turning into a Food Hall and things are getting shuffled around. I suppose it makes some sense to move things up to the main level given all the empty space now on that level.

It may make make it more accessible and appealing, and perhaps renovating is less disruptive this way. I always thought the main level lobby in this building had a lot of potential so perhaps this will help better use it.

I wonder if there will be more, or some new and different food vendors here, or they will end up sticking with the old Food Court regular stand by's.
With the news that APEGA is (potentially?) moving out at the end of their lease, anyone know where their new office will be?
With the news that APEGA is (potentially?) moving out at the end of their lease, anyone know where their new office will be?
I think @IanO said, but I forget which thread it was in. Maybe the Downtown Real Estate one.
