What do you think of this project?

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@Clearshades ONE Properties has two major residential towers under construction. Beljan has, what, four or five? smaller projects on the go right now. The myriad of multi-family projects in developing neighbourhoods are being done by only a handful of developers. It's not that unusual.

The delay isn't what I mock, but that Procura redesigns their projects drastically at least twice a year. But at least they're single-handedly keeping architecture and engineering firms solvent.
High rise towers? I dont ever recall Beljan constructed any residential towers. Beljan is more niche market of low and mid-rise (6-7) floors. We are talking about different price tags here.

@Cowboy... I would love for them to focus in one area too, but, unfortunately, consumers and renters dont just conglomerate to one area. Would you take that risk in today's uncertainty?
High rise towers? I dont ever recall Beljan constructed any residential towers. Beljan is more niche market of low and mid-rise (6-7) floors. We are talking about different price tags here.

@Cowboy... I would love for them to focus in one area too, but, unfortunately, consumers and renters dont just conglomerate to one area. Would you take that risk in today's uncertainty?
Well the way I see it, for example with their Century Park development, they have great opportunity to further build up amenities at that location which would only help the desirability of that area. Century Park already has a number of positives so why not add to it. Really the only negative to Century Park is that there is still so much undeveloped land there.
Are you aware of the potential economical disaster looming right before our eyes? I'm quite surprise with this current wave of construction in our city. I have been in stealth mode and not even tried to bring this up when C2E was operating as a forum. USA is about to collapse into third world poverty any minute now; we are practically the 51 state, so what do you think will happen to our economy once they collapse? it is not a question of will they, but when will they collapse? Yes, it will be a DEPRESSION that will make the last depression look good.
When was this project put on hold? I was just talking to a former employer maybe a week or two ago that they snagged a 208 unit building downtown. Sucks if its this one.
Are you aware of the potential economical disaster looming right before our eyes? I'm quite surprise with this current wave of construction in our city. I have been in stealth mode and not even tried to bring this up when C2E was operating as a forum. USA is about to collapse into third world poverty any minute now; we are practically the 51 state, so what do you think will happen to our economy once they collapse? it is not a question of will they, but when will they collapse? Yes, it will be a DEPRESSION that will make the last depression look good.

That's a pretty big statement to make no?
We're most certainly heading for a long and likely slow recovery, both here & in the US, but so will most of the rest of the world. I just don't see the US economy, nor ours, tanking that much to put us into third world poverty.
Big statement? No... it is fact. USA current national debt is at 27 trillion; just that amount alone, each American is in debt of around 80k before we include personal debts, students debts, or corporate debts. Read up on stats and economic reports along with vlogs from some YT. You folks will be in for a rude awakening shortly if you think I'm joker or over playing this.

The only nation with positive GDP right now is China according to IMF.
^^^^ You don't pull out of a recession by tying down your money in a remote bank vault -- that is old Keynesian Economics -- the U.S. and Canada will do just fine as long as they don't hide like scared bunnies. The recovery post-WWII is the best example of investment expansion. Stop looking at debt and start looking at opportunity!
