What do you think of this project?

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I think it's such a bummer when you compare it to the cool projects nearby like Stadium Yards and the proposed new towers. It's even more disappointing because the initial designs were decent, nothing too crazy. IMO Removing the balconies makes it look cheap.
Stadium Yards rental rates:

Stadium Plaza's rental rates (although I'm not sure if these are still up to date)

We need housing of all types and more population density allows for more amenities and transit coverage. If we want our core to capture some of our very impressive population growth, we need new rental supply that's cost competitive with the suburbs.
That blue with black window frames only would have been smart looking... as opposed this this 'vibrant pop'.
Two things I never want to see on another multifamily project in Edmonton:
-Pink stucco
-Vinyl siding
Not sure if the latter is actually what the horizontal material is but it sure looks like it.
This building looks horrible. I'm thrilled with the rates that are being offered next to an LRT station and the Stadium. Parkdale is being heavily gentrified though, so I'm not sure this building will mean much in 10 years. Still, it's far better than what was there prior to it's construction.
Two things I never want to see on another multifamily project in Edmonton:
-Pink stucco
-Vinyl siding
Not sure if the latter is actually what the horizontal material is but it sure looks like it.
The pink there actually isn't sided yet, that's the waterproofing material (?).
The horizontal siding I think is cement board, it doesn't look like Vinyl from up close.
Parkdale is being heavily gentrified though, so I'm not sure this building will mean much in 10 years.
I wouldn't say that, as there isn't a ton of infill going into the area yet. Sure, there's been a new duplex here and there but nowhere near the amount of new development being seen in heavily gentrified neighbourhoods like Westmount, Ritchie and Highlands, for example. If anything, the rental rates will likely increase considerably over time due to the general rental market uplift in Edmonton.
I wouldn't say that, as there isn't a ton of infill going into the area yet. Sure, there's been a new duplex here and there but nowhere near the amount of new development being seen in heavily gentrified neighbourhoods like Westmount, Ritchie and Highlands, for example. If anything, the rental rates will likely increase considerably over time due to the general rental market uplift in Edmonton.
Definitely not "heavily" gentrifying yet, but absolutely in the earlier stages of gentrification. I think at this stage it's reflected less by new builds, and more by younger couples coming in to fix up the older run down houses.
AKA, still affordable for those of us who want to get it on phase 1 gentrification before it gets "cool" and the normies take notice.
