What do you think of this project?

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I thought it was city council (city admin?) that voted it down because they didn’t want that huge “advertisement screen” on the top. I don’t understand what the huge problem with having a big logo on the top. A lot of buildings have logo on the top. They should have at least kept the light on the fins though.
I think it's a little hypocritical for city council to reject Stantec's LEDs when they have a LED screen on their own building (Edmonton Tower) just around the corner

There's a story there too... and keep in mind that while they are the anchor tenant, it's not 'their building'. That 'aurora borealis' and its dynamic lighting also required permits that were not in place initially.
There's a story there too... and keep in mind that while they are the anchor tenant, it's not 'their building'. That 'aurora borealis' and its dynamic lighting also required permits that were not in place initially.

Thanks for quoting my post. I was going to repost that after an edit but got distracted.

I was under the impression CoE owned Edmonton Tower, thanks for clarifying. I thought they were trying to get away from leasing space and wanted to consolidate to a building of their own
From all the discussion here, it seems like it was more a cost than a permitting issue, is that correct?

Mixed feelings here - the extra colour and light would have been nice, but I am not sure the world really needs more advertising for Rogers.
Idk I feel like if they wanted to they could definitely meet in the middle and have lights instead of advertising. I think that they didn’t want to I’m guessing because the tower did finish during covid. We know the mayhem that had started. So I think it just didn’t make sense to spend a significant amount of money at the time on a cosmetic thing. Of course things around the district are turning around now and It’s shaping into an entertainment district finally. So we could always see them come back and try again.
Idk I feel like if they wanted to they could definitely meet in the middle and have lights instead of advertising. I think that they didn’t want to I’m guessing because the tower did finish during covid. We know the mayhem that had started. So I think it just didn’t make sense to spend a significant amount of money at the time on a cosmetic thing. Of course things around the district are turning around now and It’s shaping into an entertainment district finally. So we could always see them come back and try again.
Unfortunately the decision was made years prior to COVID. It seemed to be strictly a cost and permitting issue.
Word from a property manager is that they are working on getting the food court going. This is third hand information mind you, but is apparently from someone involved with the management of the space.

Sounds like they are in the process of clearing the deck with the previous food court tenants who had signed leases. Hopefully that is the precursor for moving forward with someone else in this space?
