What do you think of this project?

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@ChazYEG Thanks Chaz, that is what I meant. Look, I just wish that people can get the help that they need and that, somehow, this issue can be solved, for all our sakes.
Last edited:
2021-01-16 136.JPG
It's been there for awhile now and while nice, I would have preferred the decorative fountain as originally envisioned/showed.
the problem with fountains in this climate is that they're really only a 6 month amenity and even then they can be problematic on windy days in spaces that are this tight.

i quite like the sculpture, particularly the playfulness that links a dancing couple to a project called symphony. :)
I'm surprised they didn't install that 'wind chime' sculpture that used to be in the corner of 109 St. and Jasper Ave. LOL In any case the sculpture gives lower condo fees to those living in the tower.
the problem with fountains in this climate is that they're really only a 6 month amenity and even then they can be problematic on windy days in spaces that are this tight.

i quite like the sculpture, particularly the playfulness that links a dancing couple to a project called symphony. :)
Obviously, but pair that with this couple in the middle of the fountain and all of a sudden it becomes spectacular.

Oh well.
