What do you think of this development?

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All in all, I really hope the GST break spurns some developments to go ahead in Edmonton. I also hope the City thinks about bringing back the program they brought out a few years ago to assist with development and giving them incentive to build.

And I really hope The Clancey is one of those projects.

The end! :D
If the gst break does stimulate the construction of one new high rise in the downtown core I will be more than happy. Two or more I will be over the moon.

I think the city should act asap if they have been considering another incentive program. Maybe the gst break isn't quite enough for some developers but in combination with a limited time only building incentive... well, that would certainly increase the odds of seeing new activity downtown.
I think the city should act asap if they have been considering another incentive program. Maybe the gst break isn't quite enough for some developers but in combination with a limited time only building incentive... well, that would certainly increase the odds of seeing new activity downtown.
The city is in the process of working on a new incentive program and is currently consulting with developers on what could work. The feedback from the last program was that the program was great for developers that already had projects in the pipeline teed up but wasnt going to push any that were on the fence. One of those project that was moving ahead anyway was Mercury Block.

While these programs are great for incentivizing the supply side, there is still the demand side or lack of that needs to be considered.
The city is in the process of working on a new incentive program and is currently consulting with developers on what could work. The feedback from the last program was that the program was great for developers that already had projects in the pipeline teed up but wasnt going to push any that were on the fence. One of those project that was moving ahead anyway was Mercury Block.

While these programs are great for incentivizing the supply side, there is still the demand side or lack of that needs to be considered.w
I’ve wondered about ways the city could incentivize the demand side. It’s hard cause almost all efforts could be criticized for fairness.

But imagine getting another 2-3k students downtown across our universities. Could they do like a downtown UBI for spending on downtown businesses? Or a property tax incentive to condo buyers/owners? Discounts on transit to encourage more people to visit downtown? What other tools are there?
I heard that the University of Alberta wants to increase its annual enrollment to 60k. If we improved the safety of downtown and our LRT, these factors together would incentivize a lot more development in the core. I was chatting with someone starting their Master's this year, and when she brought up the struggle of finding a good place to rent near campus, I mentioned that she could look into places like Stadium. However, she was worried about safety on the train, especially considering that she anticipated that she would be spending lots of late nights in the lab, which is why she preferred something within walking distance. Making commutes to and from the core on transit safe at all hours would alleviate these concerns for a lot of students and more of them would choose Downtown.
I heard that the University of Alberta wants to increase its annual enrollment to 60k. If we improved the safety of downtown and our LRT, these factors together would incentivize a lot more development in the core. I was chatting with someone starting their Master's this year, and when she brought up the struggle of finding a good place to rent near campus, I mentioned that she could look into places like Stadium. However, she was worried about safety on the train, especially considering that she anticipated that she would be spending lots of late nights in the lab, which is why she preferred something within walking distance. Making commutes to and from the core on transit safe at all hours would alleviate these concerns for a lot of students and more of them would choose Downtown.
44k to 50k by 2026 and 50k to 60k by 2030. Ambitious growth plan.

Could see it helping spur more development in Bonnie Doon. Just on my street in one block alone, there are 30 units about to come online in the form of row housing and four plexes with basement suites that used to be four detached bungalows. Perhaps the mall will get going with their plans.
Those are some very ambitious numbers by the U of A.

I mean, just look at how much more lively Oliver, downtown, Old Strathcona, Belgravia etc. are because of the return of students. Adding that many more would really turn things up a notch.
And it would have to mean more construction... labs, classrooms, staff space, faculty space... for the campus itself. Perhaps more expansion to UofA presence downtown. MacEwan continues to add building space in the core and Norquest has expansion plans on adjacent core space. Perhaps the key for Edmonton is a focus on downtown expansion plans for post-secondary institutions that would then beg for office and apartment space to catch up.
44k to 50k by 2026 and 50k to 60k by 2030. Ambitious growth plan.

Could see it helping spur more development in Bonnie Doon. Just on my street in one block alone, there are 30 units about to come online in the form of row housing and four plexes with basement suites that used to be four detached bungalows. Perhaps the mall will get going with their plans.

Ambitious considering how much has been gutted in the last few years. I don't know how they plan on doing that when they are constricting classrooms, having less options, staff, etc.
Ambitious considering how much has been gutted in the last few years. I don't know how they plan on doing that when they are constricting classrooms, having less options, staff, etc.
Obviously with higher tuition. Especially for those poor international students. They're gonna be milked dry...
