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A common 'tactic' within the industry that often handcuffs* elected officials and Admin.

*Not that it's necessarily a bad thing.
Perhaps common, but if someone tried that sort of thing on me, I might not take it well. It seems a bit duplicitous.

They better have a good explanation for the change at this point, or they may find things don't go smoothly for them. Someone can lose a lot of goodwill this way.
I don't know for certain, but I suspect that this development got caught between pre- and post- passage of the new parking regulations -- they may be looking for additional units without increasing parking. One thing that I do know, they will have to re-calibrate structural design -- adding 5 floors increases load substantially -- and it takes time to redesign and resubmit to Building and Safety with new load calcs.
The full scoop...
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I am quite excited for this one to continue rolling forward. Thanks for all that big T!
Well at least 1 CRU at street level. With what's across the street, it will make for a nice little area for business and residential.
Exactly! And 7 townhomes there, will look SO DAMN GOOD. I am loving how this area of the city is shaping out. Now we just need that big ugly parking lot behind the Donair Shop to be developed (wouldn't hurt to have the Donair Shop and the Cannabis Store being redeveloped as well, but that's another story).
This is a really handsome building, I'm pleased with it. Even with the extra height it's a good scale, a bit of retail, and residential at street level. This corner is gonna be awesome.
I actually think the extra height makes it better, to be honest. We could do with a few dozens of this building around DT/Oliver/Grandin.
Exactly! And 7 townhomes there, will look SO DAMN GOOD. I am loving how this area of the city is shaping out. Now we just need that big ugly parking lot behind the Donair Shop to be developed (wouldn't hurt to have the Donair Shop and the Cannabis Store being redeveloped as well, but that's another story).
Don't you dare suggest getting rid of the best donairs in this corner of Oliver!
