What do you think of this project?

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@OverheardatYEG I do agree that unless the majority of buildings in the development have the whole "euro" style, it can come off as quite... strange. I do think that the project as a whole does have a decent chance at succeeding.
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I think that Procura may be going for the randomness of style that one finds in a downtown setting where all of the buildings are different vintages and different styles. Would your opinion of the architecture change if it was a separate developer from Procura building on an adjacent site? The eclecticism, to me, gives it a more urban sensibility. If you look at the design of The Louvre in isolation, is it poor design? You may not like the style, but it is very well put together. The new, refined design rendering picks up an atrium-like character and turns a massive residential block into something that is rather light and airy. As you can tell, I like it a lot.
I'd like to see the Louvre built downtown, where our original library was pre-AGT Tower days.

Well, somewhere else, as Telus tower does just fine commanding that present location.

My point being that this build, if having decent finishes, will add some class\variety to Century Park.
And we need a clock tower building dam it!
I also find that there is (existing /or planned) a larger array of design styles on site than most appreciate.

... like 90's Miami
, gorgeous enclosed full size balconies.
I love it, it's just different. As echoed above as long as material quality is high this will be a great addition to the development. It's very Postmodern to me and I like how ProCura is using different architects for certain buildings so it won't be so homogeneous.
Reminds me of the Chelsea Market in NYC for some reason. It works in NYC for obvious reasons. Century Park on the other hand... I can't see it being a place for local businesses.
I can see what you are talking about Dave. I am a big fan of clock towers though. I personally think that the older design would have more of a presence and a personalty in the Centry park development.
I like the idea of a clock tower in theory, but I don't think I've seen one less than 50 years old that doesn't look tacky, pretentious or faux historical. If they could do one properly I think it would be fine, but I wouldn't task these developers with that. Guaranteed it would have looked like one of those tacky stucko ones you sometimes see at suburban malls.
