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Another angle, taken today.
Slightly off topic, but how will this development affect LRT traffic? I remember multiple times bussing to Southgate or south campus in the mornings and not being able to get on due to it being full.

How many more units are coming to this area? Louvre is like 400, right? I'd imagine another 1000-2000 could cause some more backups? Or are my estimates way off?

And what happens when the LRT keeps going south? No one really gets off before health sciences. Are there plans to increase frequency?
Slightly off topic, but how will this development affect LRT traffic? I remember multiple times bussing to Southgate or south campus in the mornings and not being able to get on due to it being full.

How many more units are coming to this area? Louvre is like 400, right? I'd imagine another 1000-2000 could cause some more backups? Or are my estimates way off?

And what happens when the LRT keeps going south? No one really gets off before health sciences. Are there plans to increase frequency?
Pretty sure the new signal system will allow them to go to 5 minute frequency for the Capital Line.

Short of automation like the Skytrain likely makes it hard to increase any further.
Slightly off topic, but how will this development affect LRT traffic? I remember multiple times bussing to Southgate or south campus in the mornings and not being able to get on due to it being full.

How many more units are coming to this area? Louvre is like 400, right? I'd imagine another 1000-2000 could cause some more backups? Or are my estimates way off?

And what happens when the LRT keeps going south? No one really gets off before health sciences. Are there plans to increase frequency?
For multi-fam units, you generally multiply by 1.3-1.6 depending where it is located.
Slightly off topic, but how will this development affect LRT traffic? I remember multiple times bussing to Southgate or south campus in the mornings and not being able to get on due to it being full.

How many more units are coming to this area? Louvre is like 400, right? I'd imagine another 1000-2000 could cause some more backups? Or are my estimates way off?

And what happens when the LRT keeps going south? No one really gets off before health sciences. Are there plans to increase frequency?
Not off topic at all actually! I think there's a few things that can happen to help alleviate capacity. Firstly, they could run trains every 5 minutes for longer periods of times in peak hours, giving people the comfort to come to the station at more varied times instead of being shoved into a certain 15-minute time slot they have to meet. Secondly (and more interesting imo) is that once the city DOES eventually order them, the Siemens SD-200 cars should have a much higher "crush load" capacity, as most of the car is dedicated to standing room (like Calgary's 200's) instead of seating like with the current U2's and 160's, giving each 5 car trains a lot more capacity for those heavy times of day.
