Spotted at Strathearn Station:

There will be confusion no matter what. Even if there were only 1 track and even when the train arrived it said southbound people would still get on thinking it could be a northbound train.

Could you imagine some of those people trying to take the London tube, Paris Metro or NY subway?
Don’t have to imagine that’s been me. Lol
Oh, user friendly and ETS do not go together. An good idea would have been to give prominent place names to the lines - such as the Millwoods Line, but this city reduces things to generic pablum.

The ease of finding your way around is at best an after thought and the few here who do think about it wonder why tourists come away unimpressed.

Mill Woods is fine but for clarity you'd think they would have Downtown, or Churchill or City Center.
I wish they did that as well, but I think they're just using the stop names. Mill Woods is one Terminus name, and 102nd St. is the other (until VLW opens). This is what they do on the other lines, so I guess either ETS or TransEd just wanted to be consistent with that standard.
Valley Line Map.jpg
I do get it although it is slightly easier with names. Here's an idea though the stop is right at city center mall so they could get away with calling that stop city center.
I completely agree with you, it bugs me that every stop has an actual name except for the one which will be a terminus for much of the decade.
I would suggest Mill Woods Centre and City Centre. It kind of neatly book ends each end of the line with the same ending.

Millwoods is much bigger than some of the neighbourhoods along the line, so I think some additional geographic description would be appopriate and helpful.

I suspect the city wants to avoid commercial place names to avoid confusion if they change (ie. Bay/Entreprise Square), but regardless of the names of the nearby malls, these names would remain good geographic descriptions.
I would suggest Mill Woods Centre and City Centre. It kind of neatly book ends each end of the line with the same ending.

Millwoods is much bigger than some of the neighbourhoods along the line, so I think some additional geographic description would be appopriate and helpful.

I suspect the city wants to avoid commercial place names to avoid confusion if they change (ie. Bay/Entreprise Square), but regardless of the names of the nearby malls, these names would remain good geographic descriptions.
I'm still confused by Corona station tbh. The name has outlived reality for so long they should just rename it to Coronavirus station at this point.
Corona memorial station. Something like that.
It was the name of a nearby hotel that burned down a long time ago. Perhaps the person who chose the name was a history buff and just liked the name and couldn't find a more distinctive name based on the area. At least they can't rename the hotel as it is gone, however currently, some negative connotations, as you pointed out.

On the whole, I think the city has done better with Valley line station names than Capital Line, although most are fairly obvious choices based on the neighbourhood. Of course, things change over time, so some of the Capital Line choices that seemed good at the time no longer are.
