For reference from May 12
What an interesting 18 hours or so.
It all started for me last night, after only spotting a single train all weekend. At least 1 was better than none as on the previous weekends. I found TransEd crews north and south of 28 Ave. I was going by on the bus so I didn't have long to observe, but, I saw water, hoses, at least 1 thing that was a pump and some open covers. Strong suspicion they were removing water from duct banks.

See the posting about the Twitter post here last night about the construction trailers.

Naturally, head out this morning.

Two sets of construction trailers set up on the RoW. One in Strathern at 87 St., and the other at Bonnie Doon near 86 Ave. Bonnie Doon has two construction trailers, Strathern has one. Both have a Western Pacific Enterprises equipment trailer as well. This looks like no small job and I am now doubtful of a September opening.

Did also observe water removal in the Avonmore area, and various crews with manholes and what not opened up. In particular, where the track is embedded I saw quite a few teams looking into there rectangular boxes. I believe they house the same equipment that the yellow boxes at track level in the open track section house which is a transponder. That does make me wonder if the rains perhaps damaged something.

Derails north of 51 Ave, so nothing is going beyond there.

Observed 4 trains in operation. 2 Downtown, 2 in Mill Woods. Mill Woods trains seemed to be operating to only 41 Ave and then turning back.

1005 and 1006 made a lovely looking pair what with 1005 missing a panel near the middle, and 1006 is missing a coupler cover.

I did a quick search, but, I can't find when, but, I do remember WPE pulling new cable within the last few years.

It is good to hear about the independent safety certification and and their little charts that I think don't give them credit for where they are. They really could have "We are logo" close to the end of the track close to service commencement.
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Actually, it's not as all-bad as you would think. Here's the news release:

On top of the cable replacements, they say they system is working as intended. And:

Concurrent with this upgrade, TransEd will finalize and submit the required documentation for review by the independent certifier needed for Service Commencement. We are working closely with the City and more information about a potential opening date for Valley Line Southeast will be provided as cable upgrades and independent certification nears completion later this summer.
