I mean, it's a messy space in any event. the glazing had to be fire-rated so there's also a bunch of ugly sprinklers and heavy mullions in there too... and the weirdest smoke baffles I've ever seen (at least that's what i think they are, on the Churchill side of all the doors, I can't think of any other reason to have something there) I think the ship sailed on this being some kind of slick contemporary space when Fire Code started being applied.
That being said, I genuinely enjoy the blue tiling, and how the original columns are still round in all their massive glory, as opposed to be squared off or more heavily clad. I think it's still a serviceable space. Not sure anything better could be done without redoing the rest of the existing station, for a lot more money.
Yup I agree the CUH is pretty small for that location, plus the cold blast of air coming in once you open the doors to the existing system. Plus this is new construction, why could they not go with semi recessed units and at least a lock box on the Tstat.
It's been about a week since I saw a LRV at Grey Nuns. Realized why. The track is barricaded north of 34 Ave. Observed that the signals for the LRT are seemingly not working south of 34 Ave. None of the signals governing northbound movements changed while I was observing them.

There was a single LRV in the Millbourne stop, and around 41 Ave, stops signs set up. This means they have cutback the section they were using for testing/ training.

And as neat as all of those LRV's look sitting on the lead into the shops, why are they there? Maybe I am too negative towards this project these days, but, my first thought is: "what did they break/ need to fix inside of the Gerry Wright OMF to punt a number of LRV's outside?".
One concern I have is that the signal testing looks like it's stalled. The track from Davies Station to Mill Wood Station don't have any synchronized train signals. Likewise from Bonnie Doon to Strathearn, and most of the way to downtown.
Don't tempt fate at this point... But yeah who says MAAAAAAYBE NYE 2022/2023 it will be ready?
